While some website builders offer built-in animation features, you can create your own with HTML andCSS. In this post, I’ll explain how to make an animation with a bit of web development knowledge. Plus, I’ll give some lo...
CSS代码 .time-1 { width: 60px; height: 60px; border:4px solid; border-radius: 50%; display: flex; background: radial-gradient(circle 5px, currentColor 95%,#0000), linear-gradient(currentColor 50%,#0000 0) center/4px 60% no-repeat; animation: t1 2s infinite linear; } .time-1:befo...
} #loading-text { -moz-animation: loading-text-opacity 2s linear 0s infinite normal; -o-animation: loading-text-opacity 2s linear 0s infinite normal; -webkit-animation: loading-text-opacity 2s linear 0s infinite normal; animation: loading-text-opacity 2s linear 0s infinite normal; color: ...
.spinner-text { animation: loading-opacity 3s ease-in-out infinite; font-size: 2em; } .spinner-sector-blue { animation: rotate 2s ease-out infinite; border-top: 15px solid lightblue; } .spinner-sector-red { animation: rotate 2.5s ease-in infinite; border-top: 15px solid lightcoral; }...
text-align: center; } .loader span { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; width: 10px; height: 10px; margin: 50px auto; background: black; border-radius: 50px; -webkit-animation: loader 0.9s infinite alternate; -moz-animation: loader 0.9s infinite alternate; ...
.loading{width:80px;height:40px;margin:0auto;margin-top:100px;}.loading span{display:inline-block;width:8px;height:100%;border-radius:4px;background:lightgreen;-webkit-animation:load 1s ease infinite;}@-webkit-keyframes load{0%,100%{height:40px;background:lightgreen;}50%{height:70px;margi...
地址:https://codepen.io/equinusocio/full/qjyXPP/ 效果: 动态loading 这个loading特点: 1. 圆形无限滚动,但圆的边缘处有动态消隐+模糊效果 2. 滚动条颜色呈五彩色 3. “LOADING” 提示居中 下面来把关键code贴出来(部分css属性我认为不重要的就删去了): ...
BttrLazyLoading depends on jQuery (meaning jQuery must be included before the plugin files) andAnimate.css(optional) for animations. <script src="jquery.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bttrlazyloading.min.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ...
这是一款css3炫酷3D立方体预加载loading特效。该特效通过简单的HTML元素和CSS3代码,构建几个立方体不停运动的动画特效,适用于做页面的loading效果。 代码解析 在HTML文件中引入下面的文件。 代码语言:javascript 复制 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bootstrap-grid.min.css" /> HTML结构 代码...
CSS——loading动画 一、解析loading动画1 由图可见,动画1中有三根竖线,在进行变长变短的高度变化以及线条的颜色变化,因此分为以下几个步骤: 建立块级区域; 三根线条排版; 动画——颜色、线条长度渐变; 动画引入及执行方法 ;loading动画2 动画2中则与动画1排版略有不同:在动画区域内,有四个圆点...