“loading css chunk failed”是一个在使用Webpack进行代码分割(code splitting)和懒加载(lazy loading)时可能出现的错误。它通常发生在单页面应用(SPA)中,表明在尝试加载一个CSS代码块时失败了。这个错误可能会导致页面样式无法正确应用,从而影响用户体验。 2. 分析可能导致“loading css chunk failed”的原因 CSS文...
最近,测试同志提了一个BUG,在企业微信(window电脑)里,打开页面,然后在设置里清除缓存,重新打开页面,就先空白,再点页面报Loading CSS chunk xx failed,刷新页面又好使了 我一听,有点玄,用我电脑一试没问题,害,没问题也得改啊~ 另外,每次上线的时候,他第一次打开页面,也是有这个错!o(╥﹏╥)o 网络异常,图片...
" installedChunks[chunkId] = undefined;" ], "filename":"webpack/bootstrap", "module":"webpack/bootstrap", "colno":1, "in_app":false, "data":{ "sourcemap":"" }, "context_line":" var error = new Error('Loading chunk ' + chunkId + ' failed.\n(' + errorType + ': ' + ...
'err.code = "CSS_CHUNK_LOAD_FAILED";', "err.type = errorType;", "err.request = realHref;", Expand Down 0...5-importModule/0.55be87a9aa9996fc905c.css → ...5-importModule/0.7f0e5fa686a9bb728e64.css File renamed without changes. ...
放置生成的静态资源 (js、css、img、fonts) 的 (相对于outputDir的) 目录。 提示 从生成的资源覆写 filename 或 chunkFilename 时,assetsDir会被忽略。 只需要给assetsDir设置一个版本号文件夹,每次发布新版的时候,不删除这个文件夹就行。可以选择性的保留最近几次版本的静态资源文件。
Theloadingattribute on images & iframes gives authors control over when the browser should start loading the resource. Chrome 4 - 74: Not supported 75 - 76: Disabled by default 77 - 124: Supported 125: Supported 126 - 128: Supported ...
vue-router.esm.js?8c4f:2257 ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk product failed. (missing:http://test.myapp.test/js/product.js) How do I lazy load routes or what modifications do I need in my webpack config so that the lazy loaded components are searched in the ASSET_URL instead of ...
[HMR] Update failed: ChunkLoadError: Loading hot update chunk second_app failed. (missing: http://localhost:8080/second_app.5b0047c2bf2b48c8a084.hot-update.js) at http://localhost:8080/second_app/second_app.bundle.js:987:26 at new Promise (<anonymous>) ...
Version 21.11.0 Steps to Reproduce After an OS upgrade done by our server provider sentry fails to load some JS. I upgraded from 21.9.0 (where the problem was already happening) to 21.11.0 and run ./install.sh which run fine as well. See...