🚀 The feature Optimized video decoding and frame reading at regular time intervals or timestamp seeking for CPU and GPU accelerated video preprocessing. Motivation, pitch There are many usecases in ML where it may be beneficial to read in specific frames from a video rather than every frame....
Because a single video-tensor (FRAMES x CHANNELS x HEIGHT x WIDTH) has the same shape as an image batch tensor (BATCH x CHANNELS x HEIGHT x WIDTH), any torchvision transform can be used here to apply video-uniform preprocessing and augmentation. REMEMBER: Pytorch transforms are applied to ...
Videos and Webinars Featured Content(13 sessions) See All 39:05 NVIDIA DALI: GPU-Powered Data… Krzysztof Łęcki, NVIDIA 22:14 Effective NVIDIA DALI: Accelerating… Rafal Banas, NVIDIA Fast Data Preprocessing(… Albert Wolant, NVIDIA ...
NVIDIA Data Loading Library (DALI) 发布说明说明书 RN-09096-001 _v01 | January 2019 Release Notes