If filename is an ASCII file, then S is a double-precision array containing data from the file.第一行意思就是载入mat文件时,S是结构体数组 第二行是ASCII文件的话,S就是双精度数组 而importdata的解释是: A = importdata(filename) loads data into array A. 将文件里的数据载入成数组...
load(filename) loads data from filename into the MATLAB® workspace. If filename is a MAT-file, then load(filename) loads variables from the file; if filename is an ASCII file, then load(filename) loads a double-precision array containing data from the file. Note Security Considerations...
load命令适用于,文件的格式相当工整,就是几行几列的那种 如果不是的话,得自己读进来了.
MatLab GUI Load .mat File 导入mat文件 在MatLab中,我们用GUI时,有时候需要导入mat格式的图片,但是在GUI中调用load和在命令行里调用load不一样,在命令行里调用load('im.mat'),加载进去是uint8的矩阵,但是我们在GUI中写代码加进去,默认得到的是一个struct结构体,如果我们此时强行用imshow来显示导入的数据,会...
fileVars = load(filename,'mat');没有 - 格式要正确使用
LoadPathMATLAB (https://github.com/GarthPearce/LoadPathMATLAB), GitHub. Retrieved December 26, 2024. MATLAB Release Compatibility Created with R2018b Compatible with any release Platform Compatibility Windows macOS Linux Categories MATLAB > Graphics > 2-D and 3-D Plots > Surfaces, Volumes,...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 I am curently coding a Matlab System for use in Simulink. I want to load two large arrays from a .mat file to be used in the Matlab System. Because of that, I figured I could load the data like this in the resetImpl function. 테마복사 function...
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: Hi! It seems that you're having trouble loading a MAT file using the "load" function. Whenever you try to load the file, you receive an error message saying, "Error using load, unable to read file". ...