方法/步骤 1 获取到的镜像本地压缩文件,一般是tar或者tar.gz结尾的都有 2 查看load使用帮助docker load --help 3 在导入之前查看image数量主要是为了比较导入前后的差别 4 使用下面命令进行导入docker load < nginx.tar 5 比较前后导入的镜像的数量 6 使用新导入的镜像创建一个容器并进行验证 ...
-q, --quietSuppress the load output Examples $docker image lsREPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE Load images from STDIN $docker load < busybox.tar.gzLoaded image: busybox:latest$docker imagesREPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZEbusybox latest 769b9341d937 7 weeks ago 2.489 MB ...
用来构建参数,与ENV作用一致,不过作用域不同,ARG设置的环境变量仅对Dockerfile内有效,在docker build时有效,构建好的变量镜像内不存在此环境变量。构建命令 docker build 中可以用 --build-arg = 来覆盖。 示例 ARG test=sometest 1. CMD容器启动命令 CMD CMD ["","","",...]CMD ["","",...] # 该...
[root@server2 ~]# docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-2eg6idqhwvzse6voqr1raqp008wiyejmnqx1x3te5wj2fsxzyd-1gie7jleafllxps6c9m7mvfwo This node joined a swarm as a worker.[root@server3 ~]# docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-2eg6idqhwvzse6voqr1raqp008wiyejmn...
Loaded image: myimage:v1.0.0 We’re using gzip here to make the file on disk smaller but technically that’s an optional step. Using docker image save --output myimage.tar myimage:v1.0.0 works without gzip. The load command works the same in either case because internally it can ...
LoadDockerImage sudo ./mosadm load-docker-images mos-core-ui:n.n.n@default chart images: Pulling containers.mathworks.com/matlab-online-server/... . . . Input Arguments collapse all option1 ... optionN—One or more configuration options ...
check if images are loaded via the docker images command sudo docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE cyb3rward0g/helk-jupyter 0.1.1 efa46ecc8d32 2 days ago 2.18GB confluentinc/cp-ksql-server 5.1.2 f57298019757 6 days ago 514MB confluentinc/cp-ksql-cli 5.1.2 bd411ce0ba9f...
上面我们已经导出了镜像,然后就可以导入镜像了,导入镜像使用 docker load [options][root@dce88 ~]# docker load --help Usage: docker load [OPTIONS] Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN Options: -i, --input string Read from tar archive file, instead of STDIN -q, --quiet Suppress the...
Docker Hub docker mistahbo (Mistahbo) May 7, 2016, 7:58pm 1 I saved an image that I want to export using the ‘save -o’ command. The image is now in tar format. When I go to load the image with the ‘load -i’ command, docker works for about 8 minutes and then appears...
——假设一个image叫ubuntu—— 在本机执行sudo docker save -o ubuntu.tar ubuntu 由此得到了 ubuntu.tar 文件,将其拷贝到远程机器,执行 sudo docker load < ubuntu.tar