A test specifies the test script, and configuration settings for running a load test. You can create one or more tests in an Azure Load Testing resource. The configuration of a load test consists of: The test name and description.
Windows Azure provides value to your application in its ability to handle an elastic work load. To do so effectively you must know if your application is designed to scale effectively. The same elasticity that allows you to scale your cloud application enables to leverage Windows Azure to conduct...
下列影片顯示整合在 Azure DevOps 中的 Chaos 和 Load Testing實作: 如果您正在開發任務關鍵性工作負載,請利用參考架構、詳細指引、範例實作和程式代碼成品,作為 Azure 任務關鍵專案和Azure 妥善架構架構的一部分。 任務關鍵實作會透過 Terraform 部署負載測試服務,並包含 PowerShellCore 包裝函式腳本集合,以透過其 API...
Optimize app performance with a fully managed load testing service built for Microsoft Azure that enables developers to generate high-scale loads.
Sign into Azure: Azure CLI Copy az login Set parameter values: The following values are used in subsequent commands to create the load testing resource. Azure CLI Copy loadTestResource="<load-testing-resource-name>" resourceGroup="<resource-group-name>" location="East US" Create an ...
Azure Load Testing is a fully managed, cloud-based load-testing service for generating high-scale loads and identifying performance bottlenecks. Quickly create a URL-based load test, or upload a JMeter or Locust test script.
Read the latest news and insights about Azure Load Testing, brought to you by the experts at Microsoft Azure Blog.
Holiday season shopping load testing with Azure Load Testing
使用Azure 负载测试自动执行性能回归测试。语法YAML 复制 # Azure Load Testing v1 # Automate performance regression testing with Azure Load Testing. - task: AzureLoadTest@1 inputs: azureSubscription: # string. Alias: connectedServiceNameARM. Required. Azure subscription. loadTestConfigFile: # ...
使用Azure 负载测试自动执行性能回归测试。语法YAML 复制 # Azure Load Testing v1 # Automate performance regression testing with Azure Load Testing. - task: AzureLoadTest@1 inputs: azureSubscription: # string. Alias: connectedServiceNameARM. Required. Azure subscription. loadTestConfigFile: # ...