线性调整率(lineregulation)和负载调整率(loadregulation)转载⾃:线性调整率 Line Regulation 1、定义: ⼜称源效应或电⽹调整率,是指输出电压随输⼊电压的线性变化的波动,条件是全满载。(输⼊电压在额定范围内变化时,输出电压之变化率. ) Line Regulation(+)=(Vmax-Vnor)/Vnor Line ...
(Vnor-Vmin)/Vnor Line Regulation=(Vmax-Vmin)/Vnor Vnor:输入电压为常态值,输出为满载时之输出电压. Vmax:输入电压变化时之最高输出电压. Vmin:输入电压变化时之最低输出电压. 说明::如只是简单计算 Line Regulation ,Vnor 可用 Vrated 即输出电压标称 值. 负载调节率 (Load Regulation) 1、定义: 输出...
Vmin:输入电压变化时之最低输出电压. 说明::如只是简单计算Line Regulation ,Vnor可用Vrated即输出电压标称值. 检验方法:输出全满载,在输入电压全范围内测量输出电压,观察示波器及万用表,记下输入电压全范围变化时的输出电压最大和最小值,利用上述公式求得线性调整率。 负载调节率 (Load Regulation) 定义: 又称负...
线性调整率( line regulation )和负载调整率( loadregulation )恒压源线性调整率 Line Regulation1、定义 : 输入电压在额定范围内变化时,输出电压之变化率 .Line Regulation(+)=(Vmax-Vnor)/VnorLine Regulation(-)=(Vnor-Vmin)/VnorLine Regulation=(Vmax-Vmin)/VnorVnor: 输入电压为常态值 ,输出为满载时...
说明::如只是简单计算Line Regulation ,Vnor可用Vrated即输出电压标称值. 恒压源负载调节率 (Load Regulation) 1、定义: 输出电流于额定范围内变化(静态)时,输出电压之变化率. Line Regulation(+)=|Vml-Vhl|/Vhl Line Regulation(-)=|Vhl-Vfl|/Vhl×100% ...
线性调整率(line regulation )和 负载调整率(load regulation) 线性调整率 Line Regulation 1、定义: 输入电压在额定范围内变化时,输出电压之变化率. Line Regulation(+)=(Vmax-Vnor)/Vnor Line Regulation(-)=(Vnor-Vmin)/Vnor Line Regulation=(Vmax-Vmin)/Vnor Vnor:输入电压为常态值,输出为满载时之...
aLoad and line regulation are specified at constant junction temperature. Changes in VO due to heating effects must be taken into account 装载和线章程指定在恒定的结温。 必须考虑到在VO上的变化由于热效应[translate]
One of the important disadvantages is that some people may litter and spit in the museum and their bad behaviors affect the environment and museum management Through the above analysis, I believe that the favorable sides far outweigh i 然而,一切可以被划分成二。 消极方面也是明显的。 其中一重要...
1. 负载调节 术语表:负载调节(Load-Regulation)按字母顺序查找术语: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W china.maximintegrated.com|基于2个网页 2. 负载稳定度 ...将会被重启。此外在线性稳定度(Line-regulation)、负载稳定度(Load-regulation)与电源拒斥比上(PSRR),AX6...