③界面切换到Qt界面,打开qwt->designer->qwtbuild的qwtbuild.pri,将其中的‘CONFIG += debug_and_release’代码添加"#"进行注释,修改后为‘#CONFIG += debug_and_release’,然后点击运行按钮进行build,此过程约等待十几分钟。 ④Build完成后到Qt安装目录D:\BaiDuWangPan\SoftWare\QT_551,可以看到编译生成的一个...
1、问题 在Qt里动态生成n个toolbutton,然后给它设置icon【资源文件中的】,就会报标题错误 2、原因分析 资源文件是编译在内存中的,而且每个都比较大,这里动态生成的时候,其绑定的icon也会动态生成一份,有可能生成的新的是存储在栈中的【讲道理应该不会,因为toolbutton是new出来的】,就导致了内存不足 3、不使用...
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES calico-kube-controllers-65898446b5-qtcgv 1/1 Running 1 79d node1 <none> <none> calico-node-7wcsl 1/1 Running 0 79d node1 <none> <none> calico-node-8sjcz 1/1 Running 0 79d 192.168.248...
Hi, After install binary of ros-win 20181221.1. But I try to run rosrun rviz rviz. I get error, can't find Qt plateform. and I have run setup.bat before rosrun. roscore have run without no problem in other. The procedure of install, choc...
1.打开QTSrvr_Object,File-Load Config2.选择CFG文件,弹出窗口点是(Y) 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 2 p. 黄槐常用的三种繁殖法 1 p. 黄地老虎的形态特征 7 p. 麦道夫“庞式骗局” 1 p. 鹅掌柴叶片发黄的原因分析 9 p. 鸟宿池边树,僧敲月下门 2 p. 高适:送李少府贬峡中王少府...
pycharm连接服务器不能cv.imshow(错误:qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" ) 确保服务器上启用了X11Forwarding:在/etc/ssh/sshd_config设置中 X11Forwarding yes X11DisplayOffset 10 X11UseLocalhost no 在客户端(我的MacOS):在~/.ssh/config写入...
load CFG步骤 1.打开QTSrvr_Object,File-LoadConfig 2.选择CFG文件,弹出窗口点是(Y)3.点击CommandProcessorT6,在弹出的窗口先点Backup,再点击Reset
I wonder why sddm needs random numbers to start, is it needed for some kind of security feature or an unintentional functionality pulled in by qt? Edit: This was the commit I found doing bisect on linux-stable: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git/comm...
Why should you download an offline test report? By downloading your load test results as an HTML report, you can enjoy the following benefits: You can share your load test results with anyone who may not have access to the Azure Load Testing resource or the Azure portal, such as y...
Trying to create C++ Qt5.6.1 application and start it on Debian. Getting either link error or load library error. Qt build to a static libs, used configuration configure -release -confirm-license -opensource -static-no-dbus -no-openssl -no-qml-debug -no-opengl -qt-free...