So I've been working on some memory Overclocking on X570, and I was wondering... Does load line calibration have the same effect on memory as it does on the cpu? If I'm keeping the cpu stock aside from upping the infinity fabric frequency, should I even bother with load line calibrat...
What is better, 1.34V without Load-line calibration or 1.31V with Load-line calibration? I say without. The closer you can stick to "default" Intel running operation, the better off you are. 1.34 isn't too terribly high... you want 1.4V or less, imho, so you are well within the...
That's interesting. To be fair I haven't been on Intel for quite a while and last time I was using Gigabyte board on Haswell so I am out of loop on this, I thought things like this still apply. I know that on Ryzen VRM switching does not really help but it also does not hurt...