As you can see the real model I got (after the convertion with the fbx converter 2013) is much longer, whereas the one on the left (the one I draw in my game), is like packed in a small square. If you are using blender, please let me know how do you import the .fbx to your...
You cannot use FBX directly in XCode/Scenekit (or at least not yet). You need to convert the file ether to .obj or (what I prefer) .dae Using i.Ex Blender as conversion tool works usually without any issues. Then you can, if you desire, convert it to a .scn file from XCode dire...
One option is to import the FBX asset in Blender and then export to glTF. Besides, please always fill out the issue template and don't just delete it. It would be also good to share the FBX asset in this thread. Sorry, we only have fbx files stored on the server Collaborator Mugen...
I've tried direct from daz, from c4d, from blender, all the browsers, tried removing bones. I've given up. It would help to know what fbx settings and what mixamo will accept in detail. There's just no info except long threads all over the internet that go nowhere fo...
Description of the problem FBX loader failing to load binary pearl.fbx from mixamo site. small-test at (jsfiddle won't allow CORS) fbx file at Three.js versio...
then you can comment portion of the code that loads the texture (jpgs), though you will also need to modify the fragment shader that reads from a texture. If you want your model to be visible as in Blender, then you will need to implement a simple lighting setup in the fragment shader...
[x] THREE.JSONLoader (threejs blender exporter) [x] THREE.PLYLoader [x] THREE.STLLoader [x] THREE.VTKLoader ASSETS.geometries={myGeometry1:{path:'path/to/geometry.ply',fileSize:9498,//Ko//Next two are optional :flatNormals:true,//Call geometry.computeFlatVertexNormals() on THREE.Geome...
self.align_planes(planes)forplaneinplanes:{'INFO'},"Added {} Image Plane(s)".format(len(planes))) 开发者ID:GordCaswell,项目名称:blenderportable,代码行数:29,代码来源 示例7: get_render_image ...
I've tried direct from daz, from c4d, from blender, all the browsers, tried removing bones. I've given up. It would help to know what fbx settings and what mixamo will accept in detail. There's just no info except long threads all over the internet that go nowhere fo...
self.align_planes(planes)forplaneinplanes:{'INFO'},"Added {} Image Plane(s)".format(len(planes))) 开发者ID:GordCaswell,项目名称:blenderportable,代码行数:29,代码来源 示例7: get_render_image ...