default_loadFactor = 0.75和泊松分布没有直接关系。泊松分布描述的是单位时间内bucket中node个数的概率,服从泊松分布是HashMap采用Chaining解决哈希冲突的性质决定的。 default_loadFactor = 0.75和泊松分布的参数有直接关系。是单位时间(或单位面积)内随机事件的平均发生次数,此处为bucket是否为空的期望为0.5。 default_...
the calculation accuracy is low and some phenomena such as frequency oscillation between units can’t be presented[28]. Especially when the system voltage greatly deviated, the frequency calculation result is often greatly differed from the real value as the voltage factor is not considered, which ...
The load factornis produced by the aircraft accelerating upwards at (n− 1)g, wheregis the acceleration due to gravity. In straight and level flight,n= 1 and thrustT= dragD. In a particular maneuver, it is possible to calculate the value of the load factor from which the total lift ...
After manually setting a job priority value, how can its priority value be returned to being managed by the priority/multifactor plugin? Hold and then release the job as shown below. $ scontrol hold <jobid> $ scontrol release <jobid> Can I update multiple jobs with a single scontrol com...
To assess the presence of multiple collinearity among the variables that remained in the model, the variance inflation factor (VIF) was employed, with VIF values of ≥ 5 indicating its presence. A two-sided alpha of 0.05 was used to determine statistical significance. Machine learning modelling...
(2012). A Dynamic Popularity-Aware Load Balancing Algorithm for Structured P2P Systems. In: Park, J.J., Zomaya, A., Yeo, SS., Sahni, S. (eds) Network and Parallel Computing. NPC 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7513. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Disturbance is an important factor affecting the creep properties of rocks, and different disturbance conditions have different effects at each creep stage. (2) Under the same disturbance condition, with the increase in axial pressure, the instantaneous deformation, creep decay time, and steady creep...
Voltage (U), Power Factor (PF), Power (P), Frequency (Freq), Short-Term Flicker Perceptibility (Pst) and THDU (Total Harmonic Distortion of Voltage) data were measured and averaged in 1 min series in the off-grid for all attached experimental equipment load to be automatically stored by...
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics & EngineeringM. Ohsaki, K. Uetani and M. Takeuchi, "Optimization of imperfection-sensitive sym- metric systems for specified maximum load factor," Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng. 166, pp. 349-362, 1998....
The limiting factor is the amount of reduction that can be tolerated on the output voltage. On an unprotected op amp, the value of load current plus the value of feedback current must be kept below the stated output current rating. If this value is not supplied in the data sheet, it ...