In the presented work, author would like to present the physical and legal basis of the load factor in aviation. Possible methods of determining and methods of measuring this factor, which ensure repeatability, the required accuracy and verifiability of this very important measurement. Descriptions,...
Due to the coronavirus outbreak worldwide, airlines in the Asia Pacific region had an international passenger load factor of 50.4 percent in December 2021, up from 42.2 percent registered in the previous month.
Global airlines' combined passenger load factor has been gradually trending upward over the last 15 years; from 75.2 percent in 2005 to 82.6 percent in 2019.
The Connect Platform’s worldwide participation was visible in online discussions and information sharing; this visibility was also mentioned as a factor of resistance to its use. Interviewees reported difficulty in expressing their opinion in an environment open to the entire organization. Thus, the ...
No discussion of crew error is complete without considering the hazard ‘Loss of Situational Awareness’, which studies have shown to be a leading causal factor in a review of 175 military aviation mishaps (Hartel et al., 1991) and a major causal factor in 88% of accidents associated with ...
Load Factor: It is defined as the ratio of the maximum load sustain by an aircraft to the weight of the aircraft. Increased in load factor, increases the stalling speed and makes stalls possible at seemingly safe flight speeds. Answer and ...
“the demand on the operating resources of a system”. Clearly effort and load are related concepts; one important difference is that effort is a unit that is exercised by a system itself whereas load is a factor that is experienced by a system. The terms effort and load are often used ...
The effects of aging on cognitive performance must be better understood, especially to protect older individuals who are engaged in risky activities (e.g. aviation). Current literature on executive functions suggests that brain compensatory mechanisms ma
(chronic) exposure to blue light might damage the retina (Ahmed et al.2018). Since HMDs use OLED and LCD technologies, this suggests that blue light could be a factor of visual fatigue when using VR. Previous stereoscopy and near-work contributions indicate that blue light implies less ...
-effect models for each combination of the inspected NASA-TLX items and gaze features on the relationship between subjective cognitive load and gaze data which resulted in 15 models for each time period. We included random intercepts for participants, whereas scenario was considered a fixed factor....