It is worth mentioning that only the wind farm, the photovoltaics, the electrolyzer and the fuel cell are modeled with binary variables according to a certain starting investment (named CAPEXFix in the tables) and fixed operation costs (OPEXFix) depending on the decision as to whether these ...
The key aim of this model was the HO procedure from the secondary AP to the primary AP, which stands based on a unit time metric of the user within the small cell's coverage area for a shorter period than the time-of-stay threshold. Very few restrictions can be inferred from their ...
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sensors Article Processing Ultrasonic Data by Coda Wave Interferometry to Monitor Load Tests of Concrete Beams Ernst Niederleithinger 1,* ID , Xin Wang 1, Martin Herbrand 2 and Matthias Müller 3 1 Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin, ...
W's and b's are parameters of the LSTM unit, Ct is the current cell state and C is new candidate values for cell state. There are three sigmoid functions for it, ft and ot gates that modulates the output between 0 and 1 as given in Equations (2)–(4). The decisions for these ...