The most basic type of load balancing in Kubernetes is actually load distribution, which is easy to implement at the dispatch level. Kubernetes uses two methods of load distribution, both of them operating through a feature called kube-proxy, which manages the virtual IPs used by services. The...
期间利用pprof分析了该服务内存泄漏点,并修复上线观察。经过第二次问题并解决之后,线上超时告警恢复正常水平,但是该 deployment 下的几个POD占用资源(Mem / CPU / Network-IO),差距甚大(参见后文)。 OOM Killed (512MB) OOM Killed (1GB) 第二张图是运维第一次发现该服务OOM killed 之后调整了内存上限从 512...
1)客户端lb + Name Resolver + Headless Service 该解决方案实现的是客户端负载均衡。实现gRPC客户端负载平衡需要两个主要组件:name resolver和load balancing policy。 当gRPC客户端想要与gRPC服务器进行交互时,它首先尝试通过向 resolver 发出名称解析请求来解析服务器名称,解析程序返回已解析IP地址的列表。 第二部分...
Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that helps manage containerized applications at scale. Load balancing is an essential aspect of Kubernetes for distributing requests across multiple pods, ensuring high availability, and optimizing resource utilization. In this article, we will ...
在阿里云平台上使用Kubernetes(K8S)进行负载均衡(load balancing)是非常常见的场景。负载均衡可以帮助我们有效地分发流量并提高应用程序的稳定性和可靠性。在本文中,我将为刚入行的小白开发者详细介绍如何在阿里云K8S环境中实现负载均衡。 整体流程如下所示:
在Kubernetes(简称K8S)中,负载均衡(Load Balancing)是指在集群中分发流量以确保各个Pod(容器实例)能够平衡地处理请求的过程。在K8S中,负载均衡通过Service对象实现,Service是一种抽象,用于定义一组Pod以及它们之间的通信方式。通过配置Service,我们可以实现将流量均匀分发到后端Pod,以提高系统的可靠性和性能。
为此我们必须建立Layer7 的 HTTP Load Balancer,将其先连接到 NGINX instance group 再导向后方的 Kubernetes 集群内。由于 HTTP 请求会先经过 NGINX reverse proxy,此时用户 IP 会被纪录在 X-Forwarded-For 内。 在GCP 上建立 HTTP Load Balancer 的方式请参考Setting Up HTTP(S) Load Balancing。
Learn how to use a public load balancer with a Standard SKU to expose your services with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
Classic Load Balancing in Kubernetes I’ve been using Kubernetes on AWS for a year and a half, and have found that the easiest way route traffic to Kubernetes workloads has been with a Kubernetes Load Balancer service. An example configuration for a service might look like this: ...
In this article, the Kubernetes architecture is first analyzed by focusing on load balancing, a leader election algorithm, and a leader-based consistency maintenance mechanism. Then we address the following challenges: the leader has heavy loads due to its inherent design, and the Kubernetes leader...