Network Controller hosts the SLB Manager and performs the following actions for Software Load Balancer: Processes SLB commands that come in through the Northbound API from Windows Admin Center, System Center, Windows PowerShell, or another network management application. ...
Calculates policy for distribution to Azure Local hosts and SLB MUXes. Provides the health status of the Software Load Balancer infrastructure. You can use Windows Admin Center or Windows PowerShell to install and configure Network Controller and other SLB infrastructure. SLB MUX The SLB MUX processe...
Applies To: Windows Server Technical PreviewYou can use this topic to learn about Software Load Balancing for Software Defined Networking in Windows Server® 2016 Technical Preview.This topic contains the following sections.Software Load Balancing Overview Software Load Balancing Infrastructure Software...
改善應用程式負載平衡。Azure Load Balancer 支援 TCP/UDP 通訊協定 (例如 HTTP、HTTPS 和 SMTP),以及用於語音/視訊傳訊的通訊協定。
Van toepassing op: Azure Local, versies 23H2 en 22H2; Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016Cloudserviceproviders (CSP's) en ondernemingen die Software Defined Networking (SDN) implementeren, kunnen Software Load Balancer (SLB) gebruiken om tenant- en tenant-klantnet...
负载均衡(LoadBalancer) 通过弹性负载均衡从公网访问工作负载,一般用于系统中需要暴露到公网的服务。访问方式由公网弹性负载均衡ELB服务地址以及设置的访问端口组成,例如“”。 前提条件 请确保已有可用的工作负载,若没有请参照工作负载先创建工作负载。
Load Balancer for the active connection and the connection is no more there. So there could be several examples to consider how 60 second Load Balancer timeout will affect your application. For example, If you have ASP.NET Web Role running in Windows Azure, you can verify that after 1 ...
Chapter 12 - Security: For Administrators and Developers Chapter 13 - Third-Party Load Balancer Support Chapter 14: Application Center Interoperability Appendix A - A Blueprint for Building Web Sites Using the Microsoft Windows DNA Platform Appendix B - Network Load Balancing Technical Overview Appendix...
NLB is the IP load balancing software that is provided as part of Windows 2000 Advanced Server and Windows 2000 Datacenter. NLB also ships with Application Center for installation on Windows 2000 Workstation, which does not have NLB installed. ...
訂用帳戶中的公用負載平衡器。 如需建立 Azure Load Balancer 的詳細資訊,請參閱快速入門:使用 Azure 入口網站建立公用負載平衡器以平衡 VM 的負載。 本文中範例的負載平衡器名稱是myLoadBalancer。 如果您選擇在本機安裝和使用 PowerShell,本文會要求使用 Azure PowerShell 模組版本 5.4.1 或更新版本。 執行Get-...