How can I load all of my Windows PowerShell modules when I start the Windows PowerShell console? In your Windows PowerShell profile, use theGet-Modulecmdlet and pipe the results to the Import-Modulecmdlet, for example: Get-Module -ListAvailable | Import-Module...
To load the Windows PowerShell cmdlet modules:Open Windows PowerShell or Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE). Enter one of the following cmdlets to load a list of usable cmdlets for the module you want:Expand table App-v componentCmdlet to enter ...
How to Load the PowerShell Cmdlets and Get Cmdlet Help How to Manage App-V 5.0 Packages Running on a Stand-Alone Computer by Using PowerShell How to Manage Connection Groups on a Stand-alone Computer by Using PowerShell How to Modify Client Configuration by Using...
PowerShell:建议在 Windows、Linux 和 macOS 等所有平台上使用受支持的 PowerShell 版本 7 或更高版本的 AzureBasicLoadBalancerUpgrade 模块。 但是,支持 Windows 上的 PowerShell 5.1。 模块安装 从PowerShell 库安装模块 PowerShell 复制 Install-Module -Name AzureBasicLoadBalancerUpgrade -Scope CurrentUser -Re...
PowerShell:建议在 Windows、Linux 和 macOS 等所有平台上使用受支持的 PowerShell 版本 7 或更高版本的 AzureBasicLoadBalancerUpgrade 模块。 但是,支持 Windows 上的 PowerShell 5.1。 模块安装 从PowerShell 库安装模块 PowerShell 复制 Install-Module -Name AzureBasicLoadBalancerUpgrade -Scope CurrentUser -Re...
RunInstall-Module Microsoft.WinGet.Client -RequiredVersion 0.2.1 -Scope Userin PowerShell 7.4.1+ RunGet-WinGetSettingsCmdlet RunGet-WinGetVersionCmdlet Expected behavior A list of settings schema and the actual WinGet version Actual behavior
A simple PowerShell module enabling loading of .env files into a PowerShell session. Takes inspiration from the node norm of env files. It simply picks up your key value pairs from .env, and loads them into transient environment variables. They can be optionally cleaned up at the end of ...
I'm trying to install a solution from github and I get the error: Import-Module : Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Users\...\SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline\SharePointPnP.PowerShell.Online... Joel Rodrigues, Thanks for answering! Yes, I have the n...
PowerShell Copy Import-Module ActiveDirectory Use the New-ADComputer cmdlet to create a new Active Directory computer account using this cmdlet syntax: PowerShell Copy New-ADComputer [-Name] <string> [-AccountPassword <SecureString>] [-AllowReversiblePasswordEncryption <System.Nullable[boolean]>...
On a domain-joined computer, run Windows PowerShell or the Exchange Management Shell. Use theImport-Modulecmdlet to import the Active Directory module. PowerShell Import-ModuleActiveDirectory Use theNew-ADComputercmdlet to create a new Active Directory computer account using this cmdlet syntax: ...