总部位于美国的区块链创业公司LO3 Energy正致力于“推动能源行业民主化”,该公司已从石油跨国公司壳牌(Shell)和日本商业巨头住友商事集团(Sumitomo Corporation Group)筹集了一笔未披露的资金。 在周三发布的一份声明中,LO3 Energy表示,它已经开发了一个“可交易能源平台”,在供应网络中用来追踪不同来源的能源。 壳牌...
LO3 Energy created Exergy which it describes as a “global blockchain standard for energy data”. It will use a token (XRG), and the network has secured funding from several of LO3’s backers and partners including EPEX SPOT, Alphablock Investments, Centrica and Braemar Energy Ventures. The...