图5接收站仿真功能 Fig.5 Terminal simulation functions 3系统开发过程 3.1 开发软件为了快速而高效地开发出功能强大、界面友好的实时仿真软件,选择一个合适的开发环境和开发语言是至关重要的,它将直接影响到仿真软件的运行速度、操作可靠性、开发周期等。C#具有兼容性好、智能、强大等优点,因此本文选用C#语言开发仿真...
图2接收站仿真软件框架图 Fig.2Terminalemulationsoftwareframe LNG船仿真软件框架图如图3所示,进入软件主界面,里面有五个子系统,即装货仿真子系统、满载航行子系统、卸货仿真子系统、压载仿真子系统、预冷仿真子系统。在每个子系统里都能打开货仓操作界面、燃气压缩机操作界面等。 进液模拟供气模拟 LNG船模拟开车...
This concept was chosen because of the sloping contour of the seabed and to reduce the use of land for the receiving terminal. To supply the FSRU, a 30,000 m3 small scale LNG vessel is used for a shuttle vessel with estimated roundtrip is 15 days. The conceptual design consists of ...
液化天然气(LNG)技术介绍 /178液化天然气(LNG )技术介绍 2012年3月 1
largely driven by the commissioning of the Map Ta Phut Terminal 2 in June 2022 which has regasification capacity of 7.5 MTPA.Among all regions,Asia experienced the largest decline-22.2 MTfrom 116.7 MT in 2021 to 94.5 MT in 2022,with 68of the drop coming from China-15.2 MT.All markets in...
(AAH),where it regains the required heat from ambient air and then returns back to the STV,forming a closed loop.FIG.1 shows a typical pro-cess flow diagram for an LNG regasification terminal with an STV with a glycol-water mixture as the intermediate fluid and an AAH as the primary ...
aShell in China is active on multiple fronts: tight gas production, shale and offshore gas exploration, LNG import terminal and mini LNG project developments, and Downstream LNG for transport network development (Retail and Marine). 壳在中国是活跃的在多前面: 紧的气体生产、页岩和近海天然气勘探,...
[ 1] . Acco rding t o t he China′s energy developing st rategies , seven large li quefied nat ural g as (LNG) receiving terminal s wi ll be buil t at the end o f 2010. Liquefying natural g as is a hig h energy consumptio n proce ss , producing one ton of L NG ...