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Avnet Manufacturer Part #: TW-07-08-L-D-700-080 Compare Datasheet Tariff Charges RoHS 10 Compliant Bulk Lifecycle Tool Tip Print Bookmark Share Report Error Note: Tariff charges may apply if shipping to the United States Descriptions Conn Board Stacker HDR 14 POS 2mm Solder ST ...
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女性,36岁,因排暗红色便2天入院,总量约700ml,血红蛋白70g/L,既往类似病史5年,共发作10余次,血压100/70mmHg,脉搏90次/min,已做胃镜、结肠镜检查,均未见异常。下列哪一项检查应首选( ) A.全胃肠钡餐造影 B.小肠气钡造影 C.血管造影 D.小肠镜检查
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