Test 频率 50MHz ~ 1GHz 安装类型 Connector Mount 封装 Module, SMA Connectors 制造商封装 - 技术资料文档 数据手册 HILNA-V1数据手册 该产品暂无成交记录 一、 盛芯商城上的商品都是正品吗? 盛芯电子商城自营的商品均来至国内外知名品牌厂商的电子元件授权经销商,来源均可追溯,从源头保证品质,确保原装正品...
My goal is threefold: using a widely used PCB, to add my best effort for an easy to build, repeatable design using the SAV-541+ device at 144 MHz through 902 MHz to the literature, second, to design and build an unconditionally stable Low Noise Amplifier, that can get a very good ...