尝试从 LMTOOLS 启动 Autodesk 网络许可服务器后,显示以下错误。 VD is starting, please check vendor daemon's status in debug log.尝试停止服务器时,可能还会显示以下消息:Unable to Stop Server. Check the License sear...
Unable to Stop Server. Check the License search path and VD status...and the server status reports:FlexNet Licensing error:-15,10. System Error: 10061 "WinSock: Connection refused"CAUSE The FlexNet service is configured as a Local Service account, rather than a Local System account. ...
点击Stop Server本来就应该出现Unable Stop server,因为你点击的是停止许可证,stop而不是start !NX4和...
VD is starting, please check vendor daemon's status in debug log But the service does not start. When you attempt to stop the server, you receive this message: Unable to Stop Server. Check the License search path and VD status. Cause: With the newer LMTools ve...
lmtools显示u..lmtools显示unable to stop serven怎么办,配置哪些文件也重新配置了好几次。我都安装了五次ug11.0了,还是不能用,我的电脑是win10系统。各位万能的大神教教我
My client installed a bad program and I want to remove this program and install the correct one. I have uninstalled this program but I am unable to delete Lmtools and its associated files. I have tried to Start server and Stop server to uninstall. But I can't uninstall. What should I ...
Unable to start the PTC flexnet services from Services Warning: The xxxxxxx service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automaticall if they are not in use by other services or programs received while starting the PTC flexnet services from Services Knowledge...
Question: Error " VD is starting , check vendor daemon's status" during Start Stop ReRead in Lmtools , unable to pull license from server.Answer:The error is due to mismatch in License host defined in
尝试从 LMTOOLS 启动 Autodesk 网络许可服务器后,显示以下错误。 VD is starting, please check vendor daemon's status in debug log.尝试停止服务器时,可能还会显示以下消息:Unable to Stop Server. Check the License ...