It also reveals that the present design method is proved to be relatively accurate in predicting the performance of the compact air-air heat exchanger for all the investigated structures. What's more, a new empirical correlation for the outside heat transfer coefficient is established using Wilson...
aIn most simple systems this is the "log mean temperature difference" (LMTD). Sometimes direct knowledge of the LMTD is not available and the NTU method is used. 在多数简单系统这是“日志平均温差” (LMTD)。 有时LMTD的直接知识不是可利用的,并且使用NTU方法。[translate]...
In order to use this four probe method in germanium crystals or slices it is necessary to assume that:The resistivity of the material is uniform in the area of measurement and a non conducting boundary is produced when the surface of the crystal is in contact with an insulator. What is 2 ...
Method 4: Uninstall String with Run 1 Hold the Windows + R keys to open the Run command. 2 Copy this uninstallation string"C:\Program Files (x86)\webbusterz\LMTD Calculator\unins000.exe"and paste it in the Run command window and click OK. 3 Follow the instructions to complete the un...
2) LMTD method 对数平均温差法 1. Analysis on the rationality ofLMTDmethod applied in calculation of refrigeration condensers and evaporators; 对数平均温差法计算制冷冷凝器和蒸发器的合理性分析 补充资料:对数平均浓度差 分子式: CAS号: 性质:指传质过程中两端点(传质设备前后)浓度差ΔCa、ΔCb的对数平均值...
方法定义 (Method definitions) 函数要接参数的时候就用括号, 不用参数时就不用写括号了。 下面是正确的例子. def some_method # body omitted end def some_method_with_parameters(arg1, arg2) # body omitted end 不要用默认参数,用一个选项 hash 来做这个事。
Alle Produkte, die geändert oder über die öffentlichen Spezifikationen von Intel hinaus betrieben wurden, einschließlich in Fällen, in denen die Produktspezifikationen, Anwendung und Gebrauchsmethoden geändert wurden, oder die ursprüngliche Beschriftung und Original...
inclusief opzettelijk wangedrag door enige derde; • elk Product dat is gewijzigd of gebruikt buiten Intels openbare specificaties, inclusief het wijzigen van de specificaties, toepassing en gebruiksmethoden van het Product of het verwijderen, aanpassen of uitwissen van originele productlabel...
Yang, Fundamental formulation of a modi- fied LMTD method to study indirect evaporative heat exchangers, Energy Con- vers. Manag. 88 (2014) 372-381.Fundamental formulation of a modified LMTD method to study indirect evaporative heat exchangers[J] . X. Cui,K.J. Chua,M.R. Islam,W.M. ...
Performance Analysis of a Novel Compact Air-air Heat Exchanger for Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine using LMTD methodIn this article, a new compact cross-flow air-airdoi:10.1016/J.APPLTHERMALENG.2017.01.003Haiwang LiHaoran HuangGuoqiang XuJie Wen...