LMS8001是一款单芯片上/下射频移频器,连续覆盖频率可达10GHz。特性包括四个射频通道、集成锁相环和可编程LO分布,以及辅助电路,如偏置块、集成LDOs和温度传感器。 功能和规格 单片上/下射频移频器,连续覆盖高达10ghz的射频输出范围 四个独立的高可重构射频路径均由相同的LO驱动 ...
LMS8001 is a single chip up/down RF frequency shifter with continuous coverage up to 10 GHz. Features include four RF channels, integrated PLL with programmable LO distribution, and auxiliary circuits, such as biasing block, integrated LDOs, and a temperature sensor. Features & Specifications Singl...
Documentation for the LMS8001 RF frequency shifter with continuous coverage up to 10 GHz RF output range - myriadrf/LMS8001-docs
Source:https://github.com/myriadrf/LMS8Suite Windows binary:http://downloads.myriadrf.org/builds/lms8suite/ LMS8001 PLL-Sim An LMS8001 PLL simulator: Source:https://github.com/myriadrf/LMS8001-PLL-Sim Windows installer:http://downloads.myriadrf.org/builds/LMS8001-PLL-Sim/ ...
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The board design and firmware sources have been published to GitHub, along with the LMS8 Suite host software, an LMS8001 PLL Simulator, and documentation for the initial versions of the LMS8001 IC, which due to the packaging used are specified for use up to 10 GHz. ...
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Documentation for the LMS8001 RF frequency shifter with continuous coverage up to 10 GHz RF output range - Commit Activity · myriadrf/LMS8001-docs