militaryandcivilcommunicationssystem.TheblockdiagramofcomplexLMSalgorithmoftheadaptiveanten- nasarraybasedonFPGAisgiveninthispaperindetail,Andthealgorithmanalyzestheperformance.Finallyitis showedthatthealgorithmhasthebetterperformanceofinterferencesuppressionviasimulation. Keywords:adaptiveantennasarray;LMSalgorithm;FPGA 收稿...
Filtered reference and filtered error algorithms are also derived for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) linear systems, although the filtered reference algorithm is found not to have a simple block diagram interpretation. In the MIMO case, the filtered error form of the algorithm can have ...
tionalgorithm. Keywords:LMSalgorithm,harmonicdetection,costfunction,adaptivegain 0 引 言 电力电子器件及非线性负载的应用使得电网中 出现大量谐波,从而对电网的电能质量和用户用电 设备运行造成很大影响。有源滤波器(APF)作为一 种能够动态补偿谐波的设备越来越受到人们的重 ...
mu = 0.2; lms = dsp.LMSFilter(13,'StepSize',mu); [~,~,w] = lms(x,d); stem([(filt.Numerator).' w]) title('System Identification by Adaptive LMS Algorithm') legend('Actual filter weights','Estimated filter weights',... 'Location','NorthEast') Increase the Number of Data Samples...
When the amount of computation required to derive an adaptive filter drives your development process, the sign-data variant of the LMS (SDLMS) algorithm might be a very good choice, as demonstrated in this example. In the standard and normalized variations of the LMS adaptive filter, coefficient... Block LMS (B-LMS) Algorithm It is also known as block-updating LMS algorithm. The filter coefficients are updated only once for each block of L-samples. The output signal of a kth block of LMS filter, $$ y\left( {kL + l} \right) = W^{\text{T}} \left( {kL} \right...
This algorithm will be demostrated in details in Fig 1.1. x(n) x(n-1) x(n-2) z ?1 z ?1 z ?1 z ?1 w1 (n) w2 ( n ) w3 (n) wm?1 (n) wm (n) Adaptive filter algotithm e(n ) - y (n ) + Fig 1.1: block structure of the adaptive filter The input signal: X (...
36. The echo canceller of claim 35, wherein the LMS algorithm is a normalized LMS algorithm. 37. An echo canceller device, comprising: a line, configured for receiving an excitation signal; and a processor, configured for: determining a comparison between a power estimate of the excitation ...
Keywords:blockadaptivefilter;BLMSalgorithm;variablestepsize;compensationfactor. 最小均方算法(LMS,leastmeansquare)因其结构简单,稳定性好,易于实现,且不要求离线计算, 一直 是自适应滤波经典,有效的算法之一.为了改善自适应滤波算法的性能,人们发展了各种各样 的改进方法, 例如变步长LMS算法口和BLMS(块LMS)算法口...
Presents a statistical analysis of the filtered-X lean mean square algorithm behavior when the output of the adaptive filter includes a nonlinear element. Ability of the structure to model nonlinear effects in active noise and active vibration control systems; Block diagram for the algorithm with a...