Foreign Workers are not confident enough to immigrate to Canada with the support of a Canadian employer due to their difference in Language or lacking of information in Canadian Immigration System. Language Barrior The foreign job seekers may be encumbered with their lack of communicative skill of ...
你可以采取的步骤 01. 选择你所属的行业 从下面的职位类别中选择一个适合你正在需要的,看是否在我们的服务领域。 02. 与专家沟通 与我们的移民专家沟通,确定哪一种LMIA可以帮助你雇佣海外员工。 03. 购买服务 签署协议,我们帮助你申请LMIA,以及代理更多相关的申请。选择...
Get a job in Canada First step to your immigration path is to obtain an LMIA approved job. In LMIAJobs, we provide the most accurate job bank database for po…
There were also slight changes to the LMIA process in 2021. Under the new LMIA system job positions are to be divided into just two categories: high-wage and low-wage. Jobs are considered high-wage if the salary meets or exceeds the median wage in the province where the job will b...
注意,LMIA并不是工作许可,也不是Job Offer,可以看成是外籍工人申请加拿大工作许可的一个必要或者有利条件。 当然,有一些移民申请项目和一些特殊情况是可以免LMIA的,就是说申请人在申请工签的时候可以不用申请LMIA,比如Caregiver项目中的住家护理项目、配偶工签、大西洋四省雇主担保项目(AIPP)、一些省提名雇主担保项目...
在Job match环节,高薪类别雇主必须邀请四星及以上的求职者申请,低薪类别邀请匹配度2星及以上的求职者。 在招聘活动中,除了job bank,低薪类别的其他两种招聘活动必须针对不同的代表性不足群体:土著人、弱势青年、新移民和残疾人。高薪类别则无要求。 低薪类别需要雇主承担雇员交通费,高薪类别则无要求。
If you are interested in applying from outside Canada, you can visit the Canadian Job Bank to search for open positions for which we hire internationally. Just simply go to advanced search and enter ‘Maple Leaf Foods’ into the employer box. Our job postings will guide you to the appropria...
注意,LMIA并不是工作许可,也不是Job Offer,可以看成是外籍工人申请加拿大工作许可的一个必要或者有利条件。 当然,有一些移民申请项目和一些特殊情况是可以免LMIA的,就是说申请人在申请工签的时候可以不用申请LMIA,比如Caregiver项目中的住家护理项目(Live-in-caregiver class)、配偶工签、大西洋四省雇主担保项目(AIPP...
Enter Canada by air or be flying to Canada to transit to another destination; Be coming to Canada for a short-term visit (usually for stays up to six months in length); and Have previously either: Held a Canadian visitor, work or student vis...
As well, many of Canada’s immigration pathways to permanent residency require that applicants show a positive LMIA in order to claim points for a Canadian job offer.LMIA Application An employer may submit an application for an LMIA as early as 6-months prior to the intended start date for ...