公司支付劳工薪水记录/工资条,在LMIA提交前至少6周(T4 or payroll records for a minimum of 6 weeks immediately prior to the submission of this LMIA application, pay periods if the temporary foreign worker already works for you) 律师/会计师关于公司财务状况的解释信(an attestation confirming that your...
所以为了证明这一点,雇主在申请LMIA之前,必须得使用过3种及以上的招聘方式,而且招聘广告投放至少要3个月,相关的记录要保存至少6年。而自2017年8月28日起,政策还强制要求企业使用JOB BANK或其对应省级、地区级的招聘网站,并且强制要求开启职位匹配功能,对30天内符合条件的求职者进行审核。具体的ESDC审核标准如下: 1...
申请LMIA,需要提供相关材料:比如LMIA Application form、job offer、Proof of advertisement、Proof of business legitimacy,其中公司商业合法性文件有:注册信息、资产负债表、收入表、商业活动信息、税收、财务状况等等。 Proof of business legitimacy:
once your Job Bank account(s) is/are created, you will be able to complete an LMIA application via the LMIA Online Portal if you have applied through the LMIA Online Portal, you can confirm the status of your application at any time by logging into your LMIA Online account LMIA Requ...
3.提供除jobbank网站外,至少使用过两种其他招聘流程的证据。 4.向ESDC提供过渡计划,解释如何减少对外籍工人的依赖。 5.提供加拿大学徒技能培训投资的证据。 6.证明加拿大工人不会被解雇。 下列文件是申请LMIA时雇主经常需要提交的文件: 如果公司在两年内成功申请过LMIA,以及最近一次的LMIA的结果是积极的,下列文件可以...
outside Canada, you can visit the Canadian Job Bank to search for open positions for which we hire internationally. Just simply go to advanced search and enter ‘Maple Leaf Foods’ into the employer box. Our job postings will guide you to the appropriate place to submit your application. ...
Job Bank for Employers. It will include an electronic questionnaire guiding the user through the completion of the LMIA application and tracking its progress. Users will be able to upload supporting documents, return to their saved LMIA application at any time and view Service Canada decision ...
Rebecca Major is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (R511564) with nearly 15 years of licenced Canadian Immigration experience, gained after graduating with a Bachelor of Laws in the UK. She specializes in Canadian immigration at Moving2Canada. ...
make sure you have a Job Bank account, if you don’t have one,sign upnow once your Job Bank account(s) is/are created, you will be able to complete an LMIA application via the LMIA Online Portal if you have applied through the LMIA Online Portal, you can confirm the status of your... Montreal Jobs | Find or Advertise Jobs Near You in Canada | Kijiji Classifieds 10、建筑估师是需要考本地的职业资格证书才能申请吗? 这个要看看雇主是怎么要求的,不过我们也建议来这边之前可以先把自己在国内的资格证书做个认证有备无患。 11、请问portal1之后还有哪些流程? 收到po...