1、不能用360将ANSYS FLEXlm manager服务项禁止,禁止后可看到进程项中没有了lmgrd.exe项 2、将config serverices 最下面的use service 前面的钩去掉,成功启动服务
16:02:15 (ansyslmd) envision_pro explicit_advanced explicit_basic 16:02:15 (ansyslmd) granta_sim_mat_data ice_translator mat_designer 16:02:15 (ansyslmd) piautoin picatv5 piproe 16:02:15 (ansyslmd) pisoledg pisolwor piug 16:02:15 (ansyslmd) rdacis rdpara 16:02:15 (ansyslmd) ...
lmgrd.exe is developed by Macrovision Corporation according to the lmgrd.exe version information. lmgrd.exe is usually located in the 'C:\PROGRA~1\ANSYSI~1\SHARED~1\LICENS~1\Intel\' folder. If you have additional information about the file, please share it with the FreeFixer users by post...