Precision lens mounting 1053nm/7.8, 351nm/92.2, 002970-501-014 OPT-I-86=o505 Precision linear actuator 1mm lead 45mm stroke R04428181301+270mm ACT-I-70=IG45 Precision MOTORIZED ROTARY STAGE 360degree IKO CRBS808AUUC1 MRS-I-24=IE24 Precision rolled Accuracy C7 Ball Screw NIB 15TXFA10-4...
This number is referred to as a Static Creation value. Although RZK objects are created and deleted dynamically, they cannot exceed the Static Cre- ation value. RZK Architecture RM000616-0707 Zilog Real-Time Kernel Reference Manual 11 Thread-Switching Time The switching time for susp...