This is almost identical in meaning but has the “F” word added to it to create Laughing My F**king A** Off. This one, however, is considered to be vulgar and is probably NSFW (not safe for work.)Alternative Meanings: What Else Could LMAO Stand For?
The rules of TEXT DATING; Texting is a big part of modern relationships, but the signals can still be hard to read. New book, He Texted, asks guys to decode what men write versus what they mean But he revealed last week: "Just been told off by mumsy cause my twitter pic makes me ...
My Co-Worker Hates Me It's never a good sign when your co-workers won't make eye contact with you. Career Advice: Look Around for Your Name Want to know where you stand in the workplace? Here's one way to find out. advertisementadvertisementDesign...