At one time or another, you’ve probably seen this Internet slang. What Does LMAO Mean? Did you wonder what it meant? Did you know it could have more than one meaning?LMAO is an acronym that stands for Laughing My Ass Off. Many people say (or text) this acronym when they find ...
What doeslmaolmean? View the definition oflmaoland all related slang terms containinglmaolbelow: lmaol : laughing my ass out loud Usage of LMAOL The abbreviation LMAOL is commonly used in informal texting and is meant to convey the expression of extreme laughter or amusement. The term is a...
What doeslmaowtntpmmean? View the definition oflmaowtntpmand all related slang terms containinglmaowtntpmbelow: lmaowtntpm : laughing my ass off whilst trying not to piss myself Usage of LMAOWTNTPM The abbreviation, LMAOWTNTPM, is a humorous expression used when someone is laughing so hard,...
LMAO stands for “Laughing My A** Off” and is used to show strong amusement or laughter, especially in informal online chats and social media. LMAO Meaning – Created by 7ESL What Does LMAO Mean? “LMAO” stands for “Laughing My Ass Off” and is used to express that something is ...
What doesrotfwlmaomean? View the definition ofrotfwlmaoand all related slang terms containingrotfwlmaobelow: rotfwlmao : rolling on the floor while laughing my ass off Usage of ROTFWLMAO The abbreviation ROTFWLMAO is a slang term used to express extreme amusement at something funny, usually ...
What does simclmao mean? View the definition of simclmao and all related slang terms containing simclmao below: simclmao : sitting in my chair laughing my ass offUsage of SIMCLMAOThe popular abbreviation SIMCLMAO stands for "sitting in my chair laughing my ass off." It's often used in ...
What doeslmaoolmean? View the definition oflmaooland all related slang terms containinglmaoolbelow: lmaool : laughing my ass off out loud Usage of LMAOOL The abbreviation LMAOOL is used in texting to convey that the person finds something particularly funny. It stands for 'laughing my ass of...