LM5108 SLUSDP6A – MAY 2019 – REVISED JULY 2023 LM5108 Robust and Compact 100-V Half-Bridge Gate Driver 1 Features • Drives two N-channel MOSFETs in high-side low- side configuration • Available in 3-mm x 3-mm package • Interlock or cross-conduction protection • Enable/...
This is a basic example which shows you how to use this package. First, we generate data which contain influential points in the response: set.seed(1) library(MASS) N <- 1000 p <- 8 rho <- 0.5 beta_true <- c(1, 1.5, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) H <- abs(outer(1:p, 1:p, ...
Loam-Livoxis a robust, low drift, and real time odometry and mapping package forLivox LiDARs, significant low cost and high performance LiDARs that are designed for massive industrials uses. Our package address many key issues: feature extraction and selection in a very limited FOV, robust outli...