I am using Quartus version 15.1 I installed Modelsim version 17.1 ae edition. I placed the license file and set the parameters LM_LICENSE_FILE and MGLS_LICENSE_FILE correctly (see attached picture). when I launch the modelsim I get fatal error "unable to checkout lice...
I am using Pop OS 22.04 (Ubuntu based Distro), Quartus Prime LIte 21.1.1 build 850, Questa Intel FPGA is installed and working, and LM_LICENSE_FILE is set: On Quartus: Directly pointing to the file doesn't work either. EDA tools options: I searched the Intel community an...
很多EDA软件都需要用到LM_LICENSE_FILE这个环境变量,比如Altera Quaruts、ModSim和cadence等软件,如果设置一个必然会造成其他软件的冲突,这个问题我们可以通过把相关软件的lincense.dat合并成一个共有文件来解决。比如自由电子科技就用以下格式的文件来共享: #Altera Quartus 6.0 ... # modisim6.2 ... # cadence...
This is similar to #1442, but is on Windows so I figured it might be best to open a separate issue. I installed Quartus and obtained a free license for Questa. I set the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable in Windows to point to the lic...
modelsim_6.5b是和Quartus_9.1配套的版本 运行“MentorKG.exe”来更新“LICENSE.TXT”文件。 然后将LICENSE.TXT后缀改为LICENSE.dat 然后将LICENSE.dat放在modelsim的win32aloem目录下 然后在环境变量中的用户环境变量中添加两个环境变量:LM_LICENSE_FILE:E:\altera\91\modelsim_ae\win32aloem\LICENSE.dat MGLS_LICE...
很多EDA软件都需要⽤到LM_LICENSE_FILE这个环境变量,⽐如Altera Quaruts、ModSim和cadence 等软件,如果设置⼀个必然会造成其他软件的冲突,这个问题我们可以通过把相关软件的lincense.dat合并成⼀个共有⽂件来解决。⽐如⾃由电⼦科技就⽤以下格式的⽂件来共享:#Altera Quartus 6.0 ...# modisim...
i use Ubuntu and i download Quartus lite , and i download license file (.dat), and set environment by export LM_LICENSE_FILE="path-licese-file.dat " but it still shows this message when i run simulator waveform ? " /home/user/intelFPGA_lite/22.1std/questa_...
I am using Quartus version 15.1 I installed Modelsim version 17.1 ae edition. I placed the license file and set the parameters LM_LICENSE_FILE and MGLS_LICENSE_FILE correctly (see attached picture). when I launch the modelsim I get fatal error "unable to checkout license.." ( ...
I am using Quartus version 15.1 I installed Modelsim version 17.1 ae edition. I placed the license file and set the parameters LM_LICENSE_FILE and MGLS_LICENSE_FILE correctly (see attached picture). when I launch the modelsim I get fatal error "unable to checkout license.." ( ...
I am using Quartus version 15.1 I installed Modelsim version 17.1 ae edition. I placed the license file and set the parameters LM_LICENSE_FILE and MGLS_LICENSE_FILE correctly (see attached picture). when I launch the modelsim I get fatal error "unable to checkout license.." ( ...