* Open collector output of the LM339 is pulled to +5V through a 10K resistor; When inverting input gets 187mV applied, with 2.8V present at non-inverting input , theLM399MX/NOPBoperates as intended(i.e. open collector output gets pulled up-to +5V). However, when Vref/inverting input ...
Lower pull-up resistor values will help increase the rising edge risetime, but at the expense of increasing VOL and higher power dissipation. The risetime will be dependant on the time constant of the total pull-up resistance and total load capacitance. Large value pull-up resistors (>1 M...
An output pullup resistor can be connected to any available power supply voltage within the permitted supply voltage range and there is no restriction on this voltage because of the magnitude of the voltage which is applied to the V+ pin. The output can also be used as a simple SPST ...
. I'm sorry I omitted the LM339's output pull-up resistor from the last drawing -- I thought that was a "given" and I assumed it to be there... . now then.·an open-collector output means:···that many of them can be placed in parallel as inputs to another device...··...