• Wide bandwidth (unity gain): 1MHz (temperature-compensated) • Wide power supply range Single supply: 3VDC to 30VDC or dual supplies: ±1.5VDC to ±15VDC • Very low supply current drain: essentially independent of supply voltage (1mW/op amp at +5VDC) ...
136Kb/7PLow power quad op amps 1995 Nov 27 Texas InstrumentsLM324N 690Kb/27P[Old version datasheet]Quadruple operationl amplifiers REVISED JANUARY 2005 LM324N 4Mb/64P[Old version datasheet]LMx24, LMx24x, LMx24xx, LM2902, LM2902x, LM2902xx, LM2902xxx Quadruple Operational Amplifiers ...
• Wide bandwidth (unity gain): 1MHz (temperature-compensated) • Wide power supply range Single supply: 3VDC to 30VDC or dual supplies: ±1.5VDC to ±15VDC • Very low supply current drain: essentially independent of supply voltage (1mW/op amp at +5VDC) ...
LM324-N TI datasheet PDF, 34 pages, view LM324-N Specifications online, Low Power Quad Operational Amplifier.
标志 类似零件编号 - LM324N 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 NXP SemiconductorsLM324N 136Kb/7PLow power quad op amps 1995 Nov 27 Texas InstrumentsLM324N 690Kb/27P[Old version datasheet]Quadruple operationl amplifiers REVISED JANUARY 2005 LM324N ...
运算放大器 - 运放 Quad Operational Amp 艾睿: OP Amp Quad GP 富昌: LM324A 系列 1.5 mV 输入失调 四通道 运算放大器 - DIP-14 Verical: OP Amp Quad GP ±16V/32V 14-Pin PDIP Rail Farnell: # FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR LM324N Operational Amplifier, Quad, 4 Amplifier, ± 1.5V to ± 16V, DIP...
标志 类似零件编号 - LM324N 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 NXP SemiconductorsLM324N 136Kb/7PLow power quad op amps 1995 Nov 27 Texas InstrumentsLM324N 690Kb/27P[Old version datasheet]Quadruple operationl amplifiers REVISED JANUARY 2005 LM324N ...
Application areas include transducer amplifiers, DC gain blocks and all the conventional op amp circuits. FEATURES Wide range of supply voltages Low supply current drain independent of supply voltage Low input biasing current Low input offset voltage and ...
AMP-PDK-EVM — 放大器性能開發套件評估模組 放大器性能開發套件 (PDK) 是一款評估模組 (EVM) 套件,可測試通用運算放大器 (op amp) 參數,並與大多數運算放大器和比較器相容。EVM 套件提供主板和多個插槽式子卡選項,可滿足封裝需求,使工程師能夠快速評估和驗證裝置性能。 AMP-PDK-EVM 套件支援五種最熱門的業界...
Application areas include transducer amplifier, DC gain blocks and all the conventional OP Amp circuits which now can be easily implemented in single power supply systems. 14-DIP 1 14-SOP 1 Internal Block Diagram OUT1 1 IN1 (-) 2 IN1 (+) 3 VCC 4 IN2 (+) 5 IN2 (-) 6 OUT2 7 ...