摘要:三端稳压集成电路LM317是电子爱好看非常熟悉的三端稳压集成电路,它具有输出电压可变、内藏保护功能、体积小、性价比高、工作稳定可靠等特点,颇受广大电子爱好者的青睐。电子爱好者经常用它制作输出电压可变的稳压电源,所采用的电路模式如图1所示,调节可变电阻R2的阻值,便可从317的输出端获得可变的输出电压U。 从...
When you see the circuit. It looks like a DC voltage-regulated power supply using LM317. Some love this circuit. any circuit requires energy. In the first section, T1, S1, D1-D4, C1, and C2 are unregulated power supplies. Do you know about them? I guess you will understand. And y...
LM317 LM317T DC-DC step-down DC converter circuit board power supply moduleColor: LM317 moduleProduct sellpoints Compact Design:At just 35.6mm x 16.8mm, this module is space-efficient for various applications. Step Down Transformer Voltage|How To Convert Voltage To Current|Adjustable Output Volta...
Theseeffectscanbeminimizedbyproperintegratedcircuitdesignandlayouttechniques.ThermalRegulationistheeffectofthese temperaturegradientsontheoutputvoltageandipressedinpercentageofoutputchangeperwattofpowerchangeinaspecifiedtime. 5.CAdj,whenused,isconnectedbetweentheadjustmentpinandground. 6.Thermalcharacteristicsarenotsubject...
LM317 电路图
The UTC317 is an adjustable 3-terminal positive voltage regulator designed to supply more than 1.5A of output current with voltage adjustable from 1.3V to 37V FEATURES *Output current up to 1.5A *Output voltage adjustable from 1.3V to 37V *Internal short circuit protection *Internal over ...
negativeoutputadjustableDCpowersupplybetween3Vand40V,andputsto useLM7805,LM7905,ASM1117toachieveDCpowersupplyof+5V,-5V, +3.3V,whoseoutputcurrentcancomeupto1.5A.Thewholepowersupplyis mainlymadeofthepowertransformer,rectifier改正,filterg过滤circuit巡 ...
Iout = (Vref/RH) + IQ LM317 can also be used to design various other circuits like 0 V to 30 V regulator circuit, adjustable regulator circuit with improved ripple rejection, precision current limiter circuit, tracking pre-regulator circuit, 1.25 V to 20 V regulator circuit with minimum pro...
用LM317+TL081制作0-12V/3A可调稳压电源---LM317+TL081 Adjustable power supply来源:华强电子网 作者:华仔 浏览:2688 时间:2016-08-10 14:18 标签: 摘要: 通常我们的电源不能从零伏起调,这里介绍的电路可以从0-12伏连续可调,且电路简单、取材容易,易于仿制。很适合业余电子爱好者做实验电源。器件参数可参...
Internal Short-Circuit Current Limiting Thermal Overload Protection OUTPUT ADJUST The OUTPUT terminal is in electrical contact with the mounting base. Output Safe-Area Compensation Package Options Include Plastic Small-Outline Transistor SOT-223 (DCY), ...