型号 LM156LF5L06 如直接拍下没有指定牌子会直接安排发货,对规格或者牌子有指定的客户请联系客服再购买哦 ! 收到货时,必须当着快递员面前打开,您把液晶屏上面的那层膜撕开,对着光看有没裂痕,破损,漏液会有裂痕或则黑色不均匀液体,如出现破损漏液现象,请直接绝收。(如果有手电筒,往液晶屏上一照就知道了)我...
面板型号:LM156LF5L06 产品品质:新屏,原厂原封包 原厂等级:A 规 通用等级:A 级 退修政策:12个月质保 现货数量:6000片 起 订 量:20片 样品提供:付费样品 现货地点:中国大陆 交货地点:中国大陆 交货周期:即刻 价格条款:中国含13%增值税 销售单价:VIP买家会员可查看【 升级为VIP 】 ...
Compatible Model: LM156LF5L06 Non-TouchSize: 15.6 inch, Resolution: FHD 1920x1080Conector: 30PINS Signal Interface: eDP 30PInsTested well before shippingNote:If you are not sure of the model , please contact customer service for consultationDue to the differences of camera equipment, light ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现液晶显示屏幕 中电熊猫 15.6寸全视角 窄边 无耳朵 LM156LF5L06的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于液晶显示屏幕 中电熊猫 15.6寸全视角 窄边 无耳朵 LM156LF5L06的信息,请来淘宝
在淘宝,您不仅能发现华硕FX505D FX505G V5050E LM156LF5L06高分IPS屏幕原装显示屏EDP的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于华硕FX505D FX505G V5050E LM156LF5L06高分IPS屏幕原装显示屏EDP的信息,请来
LM156LFCL13 LM156LFBL02 LM156LfCL12 LM156LF5L06 N156HCA-GA4 EnvíoLas soluciones de envío para la cantidad seleccionada no están disponibles actualmente Iniciar solicitud de pedido Contactar Beneficios de la membresía Reembolsos rápidos en pedidos de menos de 1000 U...
Compatible Model: LM156LF5L06 Non-TouchSize: 15.6 inch, Resolution: FHD 1920x1080Conector: 30PINS Signal Interface: eDP 30PInsTested well before shippingNote:If you are not sure of the model , please contact customer service for consultationDue to the differences of camera equipment, light ...
Compatible Model: LM156LF5L06 Non-TouchSize: 15.6 inch, Resolution: FHD 1920x1080Conector: 30PINS Signal Interface: eDP 30PInsTested well before shippingNote:If you are not sure of the model , please contact customer service for consultationDue to the differences of camera equipment, light ...
Compatible Model: LM156LF5L06 Non-TouchSize: 15.6 inch, Resolution: FHD 1920x1080Conector: 30PINS Signal Interface: eDP 30PInsTested well before shippingNote:If you are not sure of the model , please contact customer service for consultationDue to the differences of camera equipment, light ...
Compatible Model: LM156LF5L06 Non-TouchSize: 15.6 inch, Resolution: FHD 1920x1080Conector: 30PINS Signal Interface: eDP 30PInsTested well before shippingNote:If you are not sure of the model , please contact customer service for consultationDue to the differences of camera equipment, light ...