ModelLGE LM-V600N Model IDLGE LM-V600N Motherboardkona Governorschedutil CPU Information NameARM Qualcomm Topology1 Processor, 8 Cores Base Frequency1.80 GHz Cluster 14 Cores @ 1.80 GHz Cluster 23 Cores @ 2.42 GHz Cluster 31 Core @ 2.84 GHz ...
日前,LG旗下一款型号为LGE LM-V600N的新机现身Geekbench 5.1,或为旗舰新机V60 ThinQ。从Geekbench页面曝光的消息,这款新机搭载了高通骁龙865主控,配备了8GB内存,运行Android 10系统。跑分方面,其单核得分为898分,多核得分为3266分,与搭载同款主控机型保持相同水准。据悉,LG V60 ThinQ将采用一块6.7英寸屏幕,支持...
LM-V600, Wing LMF 100N, or Velvet G900 5G. The cable's slim profile ensures that it does not add bulk to your device, preserving its sleek look and feel. Whether you're a tech enthusiast or someone who values convenience, this cable is designed to meet your needs and enhance your sma...
**Adaptable and User-Friendly** This cable's adaptability is unmatched, as it seamlessly fits into the design of your LG V60 Thinq, LM-V600, Wing LMF 100N, or Velvet G900 5G. The cable's slim profile ensures that it does not add bulk to your device, preserving its sleek look and ...