2. 接下来单击环境变量按钮。 3. 在用户变量和系统变量下,检查LM_LICENSE_FILE和MLM_LICENSE_FILE变量 4. 点击"新建"以创建变量(可以在用户或系统下设置,具体取决于用户的需要),变量名称为: MLM_LICENSE_FILE 变量值可以是许可证文件的完整路径,也可以是 port@host,例如: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2009a\li...
Dockerfile.linting ADLR/megatron-lm!2709 - ci: Record coverage Feb 21, 2025 LICENSE ADLR/megatron-lm!2737 - Integration of Deepseek DeepEP kernel Feb 25, 2025 MANIFEST.in ADLR/megatron-lm!2284 - chore: pip install Mcore's dependencies ...
(*args, **kwargs) File "/env/lib/conda/gritlmnew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/transformers/models/mistral/model ing_mistral.py", line 89, in forward return self.weight * hidden_states.to(input_dtype) Set TORCH_LOGS="+dynamo" and TORCHDYNAMO_VERBOSE=1 for more information You can ...
3. Under the User variables and System variables, check for a LM_LICENSE_FILE and MLM_LICENSE_FILE variable. 4. Go to New to make one of these variables (this can be set under user or system, depending on the desired usage). The variable nam...
Unable to find the license file. It appears that your license file environment variable (e.g., LM_LICENSE_FILE) is not set correctly.Unable to checkout a license. Vsim is closing. ** Error: Invalid license environment. Application closing. " can anybody help ? ...
I placed the license file and set the parameters LM_LICENSE_FILE and MGLS_LICENSE_FILE correctly (see attached picture). when I launch the modelsim I get fatal error "unable to checkout license.." ( see picture as well) I launched command 'lmutil lmdiag' and gives the same path ...
如果Redis服务器已经运行,可以通过CONFIG SET命令动态地设置密码: 设置JWT_SECRET JWT_SECRET是用于创建和验证JSON Web Tokens的秘密密钥。这个密钥应该保密,并且在生成和验证JWT时使用相同的密钥。在Node.js应用中,JWT_SECRET通常在环境变量中设置,以避免将密钥硬编码在源代码中。 环境变量设置: 在项目的.env文件或...
刚安装在Linux上的Mentor Graphics上的Questa sim(Prime),但是当我们运行vsim时出现LM_LICENSE_FILE未设置的错误。无法找到有关如何初始化环境的脚本或任何帮助。以 ...
/** * Load the swf file into a ByteArray and check for a license on startup */ private function initNitroLM(event:Event):void { serPublicKey.length = 0; encryptedSwfBytes.length = 0; if(encryptedBlobBytes != null) encryptedBlobBytes.length = 0; //get the basic data from the encry...
According to the license file it seems the evaluation time expired the January 1st 2015. Since the 2nd January the tool is working at special edition level. I don't remember what was included in Special Edition for PA V10.4 and the info is not anymore available on web (conta...