OPC UA Gateway LM Gateway201-OPC UA protocol conversion gateway, based on a solid hardware platform design, a complete software kernel. It provides two RS-485 serial ports, one 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port, and the gateway embeds Modbus, BACnet, DLT645 and other data acquisition drivers to prov...
LM Gateway414-OPC UA protocol conversion gateway, based on a solid hardware platform design, a complete software kernel. Provides 4 RS-485 serial ports, 2 10/100 Mbps Ethernet ports, and the gateway embeds Modbus, BACnet, DLT645 and other data acquisition drivers to provide data to the ...
Daifuku Circuit Board OPC-2603A DNS Screen FC-3000 Varian E11140140 Control Unit Assembly Rev. D SICK LGTN101-511 used working Phillips 4002 471 7312 Circuit Board 2067480028 Used Working AC Control Board CT2980-091324-1?2 PCB TAB1900 Used Working ...
Daifuku Circuit Board OPC-2603A DNS Screen FC-3000 Varian E11140140 Control Unit Assembly Rev. D SICK LGTN101-511 used working Phillips 4002 471 7312 Circuit Board 2067480028 Used Working AC Control Board CT2980-091324-1?2 PCB TAB1900 Used Working ...
IoTlite 网关(型号 LM Gateway201-IoTlite)技术数据表 V2.3. 0.69 产品简介 LM Gateway201-IoTlite 数据采集网关,提供2个RS-485 串口,1 个 10/100 Mbps 以太网口.网关内嵌Modbus,BACnet,OPC UA, DLT645,西门子PLC等数据采集驱动,网关可作为Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP服务器对外提供数据,网关与云平台采用即时通讯...
IoT 网关(型号 LM Gateway201-IoT)技术数据表 V2.2.2 产品简介 LM Gateway201-IoT 数据采集网关,提供 2 个 RS-485 串口,1 个 10/100 Mbps 以太网口.网关内嵌 Modbus,BACnet,OPCUA,DLT645, 西门子 PLC 等数据采集驱动,提供私有协议驱动集成,网关可作为 Modbus RTU,Modbus TCP 服务器对外提供数据,网关与云...
Window Control 0090-0004512Tylan General HPC-20 CDG Adapter Unit2Leybold 200 80 513 DRYVAC System Remote Controller M100S Used Working2Edwards D37215000 Vacuum Flash Module Used Working31PRI Automation GATEWAY-1000-CE-S2 300mm Load Port Gateway 1000 Used Working1Robitech 990-9131 Valve Module PCB...
通讯协议:Modbus、DL/T645、CJ/T188、OPC UA、BACNET/IP、KNX 等; 具备对上(IT 系统)的协议对接能力(MQTT、MySQL、HTTP),对上的通讯能力(以 太网、Wi-Fi、4G/5G);支持定制接口、解析私有协议。 型号接口,数据读写点数本地数据服务接口断点续传数据点 ...