With Protection Dual Functions Li-ion Cell3D Printer TMC2208 Stepper Motor Driver TMC2208 V1.2 Stepper Driver Module With Heat Sink ScrewdriverLoad Cell 1KG 2KG 5KG 10KG 20KG HX711 AD Module Weight Sensor Electronic Scale Aluminum Alloy Weighing Pressure Sensor YZC-133prestashop modulearduino module...
从ADC读取⾮常简单-您可以使⽤Arduino函数或直接使⽤Espressif函数:// read using Arduino int sample = analogRead(35)// read using Espressif int sample = adc1_get_raw(ADC1_CHANNEL_7);ESP32 ADC⾮常不准确,如果您想获得准确的读数,可以使⽤校准设置。现在,这些操作⼤多在⼯⼚完成,因此...