gentoo-kernel-6.10.9-1.amd64.gpkg.tar gentoo-kernel-6.10.9-1/image.tar.xz tar -xf gentoo-kernel-6.10.9-1/image.tar.xz image/usr/src/linux-6.10.9-gentoo-dist/arch/x86/boot/uki.efi objcopy -O binary -j.linux image/usr/src/linux-6.10.9-gentoo-dist/arch/x86/boot/uki.efi bzImage...
Ifbinaryis used as the value for--output-target, the output file will be a raw binary file, containing the memory image of the input file. Symbols and relocation information will be discarded. The image will start at the address of the first loadable section in the output. ...