当然了,phi指令的用处更广,在这个例子中你也可以用if等改写,tutorial中还介绍了一种情况下,phi语句可以保证变量的更新,大家可以想象一下在SSA中循环体内,怎么根据条件更新某个变量,感兴趣的话也可以去原始的tutorial里面品味一下。最后tutorial里面还提供一些欺骗SSA的方式, seegodbolt_example LLVM Type and GEP 最...
用下面的命令可以生成.ll文件准备输入到LLVM中:clang -emit-llvm -S exp.c -o exp.ll 最后用下面...
Chapter 0. Introduction This tutorial shows how to implement a simple programming language using LLVM and Rust. Its first goal is to show how to use LLVM to create a simple REPL, so some knowledge of Rust is assumed. To be honest, author himself is a very beginner both in Rust and LLVM...
In this series I am planning to walk through the introductory tutorial called Kaleidoscope at https://llvm.org/docs/tutorial/MyFirstLanguageFrontend/. Let's see how it goes. Transcript The following transcript was automatically generated by an algorithm. 00:04 : okay we're live hi there this...
The goal of this LLVM tutorial is to showcase that LLVM can in fact be easy and fun to work with. This is demonstrated through a range self-contained, testable LLVM passes, which are implemented using idiomatic LLVM. This document explains how to set-up your environment, build and run ...
本文跟着LLVM Tutorial教程完成,加上了一些注释。本文中的代码并非工程最佳实践。 1 目标 用LLVM 实现一门简单的语言 Kaleidoscope,实现对如下代码的编译运行: 代码语言:txt 复制 # 斐波那契数列函数定义 def fib(x) if x < 3 then 1 else fib(x - 1) + ...
官方项目——Language Frontend with LLVM Tutorial 主要包括以下4个阶段,词法分析、语法分析、语义分析、LLVM IR生成器。 1、词法分析 负责处理源代码的文本输入,将语言结构拆分成一组单词和记号(token),并删除诸如注释、空格和制表符之类的字符。
I'm interested in LLVM and want to try simple things with it. That's why I've started official LLVM tutorial -Kaleidoscope. What's it all about? This tutorial runs through the implementation of a simple language, showing how fun and easy it can be. This tutorial will get you up and ...
https://github.com/hunterzju/llvm-tutorial 第6章:降低到LLVM和代码生成 在上一章中,我们介绍了方言转换框架,并将很多toy操作部分降为仿射循环嵌套进行优化。在本章中,我们将最终降低到LLVM进行代码生成。 降低到LLVM 对于这一下降,我们将再次使用方言转换框架来执行繁琐的工作。但是,这次我们将执行到LLVM方言的完...
Tutorial Introduction and the Lexer 教程介绍 欢迎走进“LLVM开发新语言”教程。本教程详细介绍了一门简单语言的实现过程;你将会看到,这个过程既轻松又有趣。本教程将伴你一起搭建一套框架,它可以成为你今后实现其他语言的基础。教程中的代码就是供你把玩LLVM的各种功能的试验田。