set(LLVM_OPTIONAL_SOURCES PythonTestCAPI.cpp PythonTestDialect.cpp PythonTestModule.cpp PythonTestModulePybind11.cpp PythonTestModuleNanobind.cpp ) add_mlir_library(MLIRPythonTestDialect 121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions 121 mlir/test/python/lib/PythonTestModuleNanobind.cpp Original file line...
set(LLVM_OPTIONAL_SOURCES ${ARG_DUMMY_MAIN}) add_llvm_executable(${name} ${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) target_link_libraries(${name} PRIVATE ${LLVM_LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE}) set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES FOLDER "Fuzzers") set_target_properties(${name} PROPERTIES FOLDER "${subproject_tit...
对于您简单的主例程,使用ret i32 0就足够了。 使用call <function return type> <function name> <optional function arguments>来调用函数。注意,每个函数参数都必须放在其类型的前面。返回一个 6 位的整数并接受一个 36 位的整数的函数测试的语法如下:call i6 @test( i36 %arg1 )。 这只是一个开始。您还...
FOUNDATION_EXPORT void NSLog(NSString *format, …) NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1,2) NS_NO_TAIL_CALL; // Marks APIs which format strings by taking a format string and optional varargs as arguments #if !defined(NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION) #if (__GNUC__*10+__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 42) && (TARGET_OS_MAC...
NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1,2) NS_NO_TAIL_CALL; // Marks APIs which format strings by taking a format string and optional varargs as arguments #if !defined(NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION) #if (__GNUC__*10+__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 42) && (TARGET_OS_MAC || TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED) #define NS_FORMAT_...
echo"deb bionic main"| sudotee-a /etc/apt/sources.list sudo apt-get update Install this optional package so you don't have to mess with GPG keys anymore sudo apt-get install kitware-archive-keyring ...
They don't show up on the Compile Sources so I can't apply flags such as -Wno-error=deprecated to them. Adding #pragma GCC... to them won't help as a fresh pod install will wipe the #pragma statements out. Is there a way to exclude the header files from pods from getting the ...
They don't show up on the Compile Sources so I can't apply flags such as -Wno-error=deprecated to them. Adding #pragma GCC... to them won't help as a fresh pod install will wipe the #pragma statements out. Is there a way to exclude the header files from pods from getting the ...
deps/pelib: move from external deps directly to retdec sources. 5年前 LICENSE-THIRD-PARTY Add ability to process PNG icons for perceptual hash calculation (#1090) 3年前 Preparation for release v5.0 2年前 Changed security notice ...
LOCAL_PATH:=$(call my-dir)include$(CLEAR_VARS)LOCAL_CPP_FEATURES:=rtti exceptionsLOCAL_CFLAGS:=-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverageLOCAL_LDLIBS:=-L$(SYSROOT)/usr/lib -lstdc++ -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverageLOCAL_MODULE:=mylibraryLOCAL_SRC_FILES:=mylibrary.cppLOCAL_MODULE_TAGS:=optionalLOCAL_STRI...