比如前文提及的Alpine Linux使用的是musl libc,就需要安装apt-get install -y musl-tools,使用musl-g...
比如前文提及的Alpine Linux使用的是musl libc,就需要安装apt-get install -y musl-tools,使用musl-g...
This option may only be set to OFF when LIBCXX_ENABLE_THREADS=OFF." ON)+option(LIBCXX_USE_LLVM_LIBC "Build libc++ against LLVM libc." OFF)option(LIBCXX_HAS_MUSL_LIBC "Build libc++ with support for the Musl C library" OFF) option(LIBCXX_HAS_PTHREAD_API "Ignore auto-detection and force...
url = https://gitlab.com/qemu-project/qemu.git [submodule "musl"] path = musl url = https://git.musl-libc.org/git/musl branch = master [submodule "spike"] path = spike url = https://github.com/riscv-software-src/riscv-isa-sim.git branch = master [submodule "pk"]...
(): ldflags += ' -l:libunwind.a -l:libc++abi.a --rtlib=compiler-rt -stdlib=libc++ -static-libstdc++' if xunit_xml_output: llvm_defines['LLVM_LIT_ARGS'] = "--xunit-xml-output={} -sv".format(xunit_xml_output) if self.build_config.enable_assertions: llvm_defines['LLVM_ENABLE...
external_deps = [ "FreeBSD:libc_static" ] if (use_musl && !is_llvm_build) { defines += [ "OHOS_ENABLE_PARAMETER" ] external_deps += [ "init:parameterbase" ] } } source_set("soft_musl_ldso_${target_name}") { sources = [] sources_orig = musl_src_ldso foreach...
""" The musl libc project is bundled in this repo, and it has the MIT license, see system/lib/libc/musl/COPYRIGHT The third_party/ subdirectory contains code with other licenses. None of it is used by default, but certain options use it (e.g., the optional closure compiler flag will...
For running C++ code, the GraalVM LLVM runtime requires thelibc++standard library from the LLVM project. The LLVM toolchain shipped with GraalVM automatically links againstlibc++. For example, save this code as ahello-c++.cppfile: #include<iostream>intmain(){std::cout<<"Hello, C++ World!"<...
指令4是MIPS交叉编译的assembler和linker,该工具属于MIPS交叉编译的常见工具链,它可以进一步把MIPS汇编码翻译为二进制并链接MIPS的标准库。具体可以查看该链接进行安装:musl libc toolchains | static cross/native toolchains 指令5则是直接调用gcc的assembler和linker,生成当前运行平台的可执行程序。
因此使用的是LLVM libc++. 因为Android、macOS等系统都是使用的LLVM libc++, 其兼容性要比musl好很多....