MLGO 为了不影响编译器本身的正确性和性能,所以从启发式优化策略下手,改变优化的执行过程,而非优化的具体实现。同时,让训练可以离线(offline) 进行,训练好的模型直接链接到编译器当中。 MLGO 主要使用了强化学习(reinforcement learning、RL) 里的Policy Gradient或Evolution Strategies来进行模型训练。使用强化学习主要是...
The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies. - [MLGO] Remove extranous check lines from test input · veera-sivarajan/llvm-project@d9eda6b
.github [Github][MLGO] Fix mlgo-utils path in new-prs-labeler Sep 9, 2024 bolt [BOLT][YAML] Allow unknown keys in the input (#100824) Sep 4, 2024 clang-tools-extra [Docs][clang-query] disclose Windows linetab bug on clang-query tab a… Sep 11, 2024 clang [NFC] [HLSL] Update...
2022 年 1 月,Chris Lattner 正式宣布创业,和 Tim Davis 共同建立了“Modular AI”,希望自下而上重建全球 ML 基础设施。Tim Davis 曾经执掌谷歌机器学习项目,负责管理谷歌的机器学习API、编译器和运行时基础设施。 他们在构建自己的平台以此统一世界上的 ML/AI 基础设施时,却意识到,在整个堆栈中编程太复杂了。“...
cloud for analysis and response. The problem is that apparently Falcon's ML signatures will flag Xcode as malicious. So when building in Xcode, Falcon will use a huge amount of CPU (I have seen it go up to 456%), affecting build performance. I am getting the impression it is sandboxing...
上周,有件事在程序员的圈子里炸开了锅。 对LLVM(众多语言编译器的后台)有巨大贡献的元老级程序员Rafael Ávila de Espíndola忿忿不平地写了封邮件,宣布自己要立刻马上退出LLVM社区,注销账号。 △Rafael宣布“退出”邮件的开头 Rafael退出的原因主要有两个。
Starting programs that get increasingly more complex as the years go on is one thing. Starting a new program that has to compete with those programs that are now in high digit versions is difficult.From my personal experience, it's usually good to have a small core of "architects" who ...
Code generation of the prototype ensures that there is an LLVM Function object that is ready to go for us. (* Create a new basic block to start insertion into. *) let bb = append_block context "entry" the_function in position_at_end bb builder; try let ret_val = codegen_expr body...
超越GCC的编译环境--LLVM Nice. But it would be even better to avoid the dummy, in your example let x = u in let y = v in ...