ELF +FileHeader: + Class: ELFCLASS32 +#if defined BIGENDIAN + Data: ELFDATA2MSB +#elif defined LITTLEENDIAN + Data: ELFDATA2LSB +#endif + Type: ET_REL + Machine: EM_ARM +Sections: + - Name: .text + Type: SHT_PROGBITS + Flags: [ SHF_ALLOC, SHF_EXECINSTR ] +#if defined BIG...
}+// Try to emit Armv9.6 CB instructions. We prefer tb{n}z/cb{n}z due to their+// larger branch displacement but do prefer CB over cmp + br.+if (Subtarget->hasCMPBR() &&+AArch64CC::isValidCBCond(changeIntCCToAArch64CC(CC)) &&+ProduceNonFlagSettingCondBr) {+AArch64CC::Cond...
Not }; void error(ErrorType ET, llvm::StringRef V) { llvm::errs() << "Variable " << V << " " << (ET == Twice ? "already" : "not") << " declared\n"; HasError = true; } public: Decl
CanQualType FloatTy, DoubleTy, LongDoubleTy, Float128Ty; CanQualType HalfTy;//[OpenCL], ARM NEONCanQualType FloatComplexTy, DoubleComplexTy, LongDoubleComplexTy; CanQualType Float128ComplexTy; CanQualType VoidPtrTy, NullPtrTy; CanQualType DependentTy, OverloadTy, BoundMemberTy, UnknownAn...
以前使用开启bitcode的.a静态库进行测试,可以获取到所有的.o文件,首先从.a文件的二进制文件中分离出需要的架构arm64架构对应的二进制文件,再使用ar命令获取它包含的所有.o即.m文件。因为必须开启bitcode,目前没有继续看这个方向。 扫码安装简书客户端
arm-linux-androideabi-objdump -d libc++_static.a.6.0 > 6.0.txt 并进行比较发现 在6.0的__gxx_personality_v0中增加了一处调用用于支持_US_FORCE_UNWIND,符号为_ZN10__cxxabiv117continueUnwindingEP21_Unwind_Control_BlockP15_Unwind_Context(__cxxabiv1::continueUnwinding(_Unwind_Control_Block*, _Unwind...
cross compilation hi i want create a commande line tool for arm64 et intel x86-64 Xcode 16 macbook pro M3 my setting : and but my application compile only for arm64 who can explain to me ? Programming Languages General Xcode LLVM ...
hi i want create a commande line tool for arm64 et intel x86-64 Xcode 16 macbook pro M3 my setting : and but my application compile only for arm64 who can explain to me ? Topic: Programming Languages SubTopic: General Tags: Xcode LLVM 5 0 750 Nov ’24 Xcode 16's clang : fai...
if ((EType == ELF::ET_DYN) || (EType == ELF::ET_EXEC)) dumpObject(O); else { errs() << "Raising x64 relocatable (.o) x64 binaries not supported\n"; exit(1); } } else if (O->getArch() == Triple::arm) dumpObject(O); else { errs() << "\n\n**...
A bunch of folks were trying to figure out how to create software for the iPhone and quickly found that no known compiler/linker combination could generate MachO-ARM binaries (that naming combination still cracks me up).Scouring through the Apple GCC mailing list for clues, they found mention ...