LLVM Dev Mtg全称为LLVM Developers’ Meeting,目前主要在美国和欧洲轮流举办,大体上每半年一次。吴伟先生希望能够在中国大陆地区举办China LLVM Dev Mtg,形成北美、欧洲、东亚三足鼎立的发展目标。吴伟先生有着资深的技术社区大会组织经验,在过去十几年中成...
2019 LLVM Developers' Meeting: Getting Started with the LLVM Testing Infrastructure 2023 LLVM Dev Mtg - LLVM Test Suite under the hood LLVM优化 2023 EuroLLVM - Tutorial: A whirlwind tour of the LLVM optimizer MLIR 2019 EuroLLVM Developers’ Meeting: MLIR: Multi-Level Intermediate Representation fo...
We had an amazing group of talk proposals submitted for the [2022 LLVM Developers' Meeting](https://llvm.swoogo.com/2022devmtg/2359289). Thank you to all that submitted a talk proposal this year! Here is the 2022 LLVM Developers' Meeting program: **Keynotes:** * Paths towards unifying...
在2019 European LLVM developers' meeting上,Tatiana Shpeisman (Google), Chris Lat…阅读全文 赞同17 2 条评论 分享收藏 LLVM每日谈之四十五 LLVM IR TUTORIAL 今年的LLVM欧洲开发者会议上,在Tutorials环节,Vince Bridgers (Intel Corporation), Felipe de Azevedo Piovezan (Intel Corporation...
- Generic implementation strategies in Carbon and Clang, LLVM Developers' Meeting ([slides](https://chandlerc.blog/slides/2024-llvm-generic-implementation/#/)) Meeting ([video](https://youtu.be/j0BL52NdjAU), [slides](https://chandlerc.blog/slides/2024-llvm-generic-implementation/#/)) - Th...
2017 LLVM Developers’ Meeting: “Writing Great Machine Schedulers ” 87 -- 1:02:40 App 2019 LLVM Developers’ Meeting: “Writing Loop Optimizations in LLVM” 51 -- 52:32 App 2018 W. Moses “How to use LLVM to optimize your parallel programs” 37 -- 24:57 App 2018 LLVM Developers’...
【LLVM编译器】【开发者会议】寄存器分配 1529播放 · 0弹幕2019-10-12 00:04:319 2 47 3 稿件投诉 记笔记 知识 野生技术协会 学习 评论 我爱编译器 发消息 欢迎交流,LLVM,编译器算法 , GPU 相关知识 视频选集 1/4相关推荐 【LLVM编译器】【开发者会议】GPU编译器 我爱编译器 1026 播放 ·...
[3] YouTube presentation 2015 LLVM Developers’ Meeting: Quentin Colombet “A Proposal for Global Instruction Selection"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6GGbYtae3g&t=1706s [4] YouTube presentation 2019 LLVM Developers’ Meeting: V. Keles & D. Sanders “Generating Optimized Code with GlobalIS...
years, Kai served as the maintainer of LDC, the LLVM-based D compiler. He is the author of D Web Development and Learn LLVM 12, both published by Packt. In the past, he was a speaker in the LLVM developer room at the Free and Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting (FOSDEM...
years, Kai served as the maintainer of LDC, the LLVM-based D compiler. He is the author of D Web Development and Learn LLVM 12, both published by Packt. In the past, he was a speaker in the LLVM developer room at the Free and Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting (FOSDEM...