针对你遇到的“llvm-config not found”问题,可以按照以下步骤进行解决: 确认llvm-config是否已安装: 在Linux上,你可以通过包管理器安装LLVM,并确保llvm-config随LLVM一起安装。例如,在Debian/Ubuntu上,你可以使用以下命令安装LLVM: bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install llvm 在macOS上,你可以使用Home...
Trying to use Clay for the first time, but cmake says: -- Using llvm-config: LLVM_CONFIG-NOTFOUND CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:32 (message): LLVM_CONFIG-NOTFOUND failed
make: llvm-config: Command not found Ubuntu names llvm-config as llvm-config-3.3. If I install the latest llvm, it will compile with errors. constantine@linux /mnt/space/dev/infinitrace $ llvm-config The program 'llvm-config' is currentl...
android 编译LLVMBIN not found 第一步:配置AndroidManifest.xml 以友盟渠道为例,渠道信息一般都是写在 AndroidManifest.xml文件中,大约如下: 如果不使用多渠道打包方法,那就需要我们手动一个一个去修改value中的值,xiaomi,360,qq,wandoujia等等。 使用多渠道打包的方式,就需要把上面的value配置成下面的方式:...
llvm-config found: NO need '>= 7.0.0' Run-time dependency LLVM found: NO (tried config-tool) meson.build:1261:2: ERROR: Dependency "llvm" not found, tried config-tool A full log can be found at /home/simon/software/mesa-19.2.0/build/meson-logs/meson-log.txt ...
message(STATUS "Path ($ENV{LLVM_DIR}) not found!") # If default llvm config path not found, try this one, # which is config with [-DLLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX=64] before building llvm set(ENV{LLVM_DIR} $ENV{LLVM_HOME}/lib64/cmake/llvm) ...
-- Not found - LLVM_LIBS -- Fall back to using llvm-config -- Use llvm-config=D:/Halide/llvm-install-dbg/bin/llvm-config -- Found LLVM_INCLUDE_DIRS=D:\Halide\llvm-install-dbg\include -- Found LLVM_DEFINITIONS=-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS;-D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO...
#if _WINDOWSusingmyPassType=void(__stdcall*)(ModulePassManager&MPM);autohModule=::LoadLibraryA("QVMProtect.dll");if(!hModule){errs()<<"[QVMProtect] : QVMProtect.dll not found\n";}else{autopfn=(myPassType)::GetProcAddress(hModule,"clangAddPass");if(pfn!=NULL){errs()<<"[QVMProtect]...
2.38 Host machine cpu family: x86_64 Host machine cpu: x86_64 Did not find CMake 'cmake' Found CMake: NO llvm-config found: NO need ['>=14.0.0'] Run-time dependency LLVM found: NO (tried config-tool) meson.build:12:0: ERROR: CMake binary for machine 1 not found. Giving up....