在main中调用llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, ...)解析命令行。opt支持很多类型,如各种integer types、bool、std::string等,还支持自定义enum类型。 staticcl::OptionCategorycat("split-file Options");staticcl::opt<std::string>input(cl::Positional,cl::desc("filename"),cl::cat(cat))...
CodeGenOptions::OnlyAlwaysInlining : CodeGenOptions::NormalInlining); // #COMM: after set CGOpt.inlining with opt-level(but only while opt-level > 0), // we also set the inlining according the commandline args "-finline_functions", // "-finline_hint_functions", "-fno_inline_functions"...
This is the default behavior when no command line options are used.生成输入文件的常规属性列表以及它包含的ELF段和ELF节。 当没有使用命令行选项时,这是默认行为。 To also include a textual representation of the contents of each ELF section in the input file. To specify this behavior, use the ...
llvm::InitLLVM llvmInitializer(argc, argv); llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "SimpleParser - a simple code parser\n"); Lexer lexer(input); Parser parser(lexer); AST* tree = parser.Parse(); if (!tree || parser.HasError()) { llvm::errs() << "Syntax errors occured\n...
Now you have an LLVM-powered Mono. By default, the mono JIT is used to compile code, to make the runtime use LLVM, pass the ‘–llvm’ command line option, or add it to theMONO_ENV_OPTIONSenvironment variable. LLVM generates better code at runtime, but also takes longer to execute....
在 Options.td 可以看到全部的 option 定义。 在Clang 的 Pipeline 中很多实际行为都有对应的 Action,比如 preprocessor 时提供文件的 InputAction 和用于绑定机器架构的 BindArchAction。 使用clang main.c -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -o main 然后 file main 能够看到这时 BindArchAction 这个 Action 起到了作用...
Use MSBuild from the command line Walkthrough: Create and use a static library (C++) Building C++ DLLs in Visual Studio Building C/C++ isolated applications and side-by-side assemblies Configure MSVC for 64-bit, x64 targets Configure C++ projects for ARM processors ...
check out a different version (if the build scripts have been updated to prefer a different version) - and likewise, if configure flags in the build-*.sh scripts have changed, you might need to wipe the build directory under each project for the new configure options to be taken into use...
dependent features such as Edit and Continue aren't available for Clang configurations. You can set a Clang compiler or linker option that isn't available in the property pages. Add it manually in the property pages underConfiguration Properties>C/C++ (or Linker)>Command Line>Additional Options....
它是一种特殊的中间代码,让应用支持Bitcode,将多个arm架构发布到AppStore,当用户在下载ipa包的时候,appStore根据用户手机的具体arm架构将ipa的的bitcode转换成用户手机目标平台的机器码,减少内存。 编译过程 clang命令速查表 OVERVIEW: clang LLVM compiler USAGE: clang [options] file... OPTIONS: -### Print (...