看完一本书别去做quiz直接刷mock exam,quiz耗时考的难还太细!每门66CAD,四门省考一共264CAD。前面平台考试,根据自己选的平台价格不一样。我其实三月份才从国内回来,英语不用两年半。我是full time上班考完的。如果没有工作的小伙伴应该可以快完成。我没急于找MGA挂!因为想做career仔细思考是要做自雇还是去大公...
BCC上有每门课的PDF文档,每门课里还有MOCK环节,也就是刷题的部分。根据前辈的经验,可以先粗略浏览PDF课本,了解每门课的内容,然后去刷MOCK的题。每道题错了的话,系统会显示内容在哪一章哪一节,再去针对性地学习。等到刷题正确率非常高时,就可以去考Certification Exam了。每门课有4次机会,别浪费哦。考过了...
an online mock exam; and one attempt at the Certification Exam (subsequent attempts are $109). With the ILScorp LLQP you’ll have three months to learn and review – you dictate your pace of study, and can repeat any sections before moving on in the course, or come back to challenging ...
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